
Thursday 27 maart 2014
Start:27/03/2014 18:00

Iraq War 11 Years On - What´s the REal Story

The US led invasion of Iraq in 2003 and its ongoing aftermath may be remembered as the worst tragedy of the early 21st century. It is estimated Iraq has witnessed over 1 million excess deaths, 4.2 million injured people and 4.5 million refugees since the invasion.

- How may we understand the current situation in Iraq?
- What were the reasons and interest behind the invasion?
- What is the role of oil and multinational corporations?
- What is the role of the Netherlands?
- May we speak of Western neo-imperialism?

Start:27/03/2014 19:00

Donderdag 27/03, 19.00 h

Soli Voku voor La Pinya, Free school project in Barcelona

Eerste Schinkelstraat 16, Amsterdam
call for reservation (14.30 h - 18.00 h): 020-6790712


Brief history of the Free School “La Pinya”

Start:27/03/2014 19:00

Brief history of the Free School “La Pinya”

In 2004, a group of families started to collectively articulate the construction of a common space for their sons and daughters. They had in common an specific sensitivity towards education and growing of children, and the need to actively participate in all possible aspects of this processes. From this point La Pinya was born and still nowadays keeps growing, together with its children, thanks to the collective effort made by fathers, mothers, companions and collaborators.

Start:27/03/2014 19:30

Naast eten is er een diashow en treedt de band Bagjuice op, alsmede D.J. Dub A Ware. Aanvang 19.30 uur, gratis entree.

Friday 28 maart 2014
Start:28/03/2014 19:45
Einde:28/03/2014 22:00

Beste mensen,

Hierbij nodigt de Tilburgse Anarcho Sociëteit jullie uit voor de presentatie van het boekje 'Krachtbronnen van de anarchie'. Het betreft een korte inleiding in anarchistische ideeën, praktijken en hoe die aan een strijd voor een betere wereld kunnen bijdragen. De presentatie vindt plaats op 28 maart in Boekhandel Livius.

Friday 04 april 2014
Start:04/04/2014 16:00
Einde:04/04/2014 20:03

Here You can join, share and invite people through fakebook https://www.facebook.com/events/801739529839572/
[NL vertaling beneden]
You are needed for a wave of action!

On April 4th, we will launch the Worldwide Wave of Action by gathering at former occupation sites throughout the world to honor the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, at the day of his assassination.

Saturday 05 april 2014
Start:05/04/2014 14:00

PUSCII & PinkNoise
PiratenBar, Hellingsweg 127, Scheveningen
Saturday, April 5 2014
Benefit Party!
PUSCII & PinkNoise are broke.


14:00-20:00 Workshops and Privacy Party
18:00-21:00 Food
21:00-24:00 UBICA Cocktail Bar
21:00-04:00 Bands, Videoart & DJś with:
Queen Victoria & The Free Radicals (Ska, NL)
Harry Merry (songwriter/entertainer, NL)
Potme (hiphop, CZ)
MC Broko (breakcore, CZ)
Failotron (chip/electronic, HU)

- More artists TBA

DJś from various (tech)collectives

Tuesday 08 april 2014
Start:08/04/2014 19:00

De moord op pater Frans van der Lugt in Syrië leidt tot geschokte reacties. Net als minister Timmermans hebben onder meer het Vaticaan, de Nederlandse bisschoppen en hulporganisatie Mensen met een Missie hun afschuw uitgesproken over de dood van de bekende pater.

Een woordvoerder van het Vaticaan noemt Van der Lugt "een man van vrede, die met veel moed in een extreem gevaarlijke en moeilijke situatie trouw wilde blijven aan de Syrische bevolking". Het Vaticaan zegt verder trots en dankbaar te zijn dat de Nederlandse pater uit naam van Jezus' liefde zoveel heeft gedaan voor mensen in nood

Wednesday 09 april 2014
Start:09/04/2014 21:00

We will explore the links between anarchy and polyamory, which is the practice of having more than one romantic partner at a time with the knowledge and consent of all partners involved. And we will ask ourselves how does society affect how we think about relationships and how can we affect society through the different ways we choose to form relationships and support these choices of people around us.

Afterparty: DJ’s Carousel. FB event [here]

Aanvang: 21:00 uur * Prijs: gratis


Thursday 10 april 2014
Start:10/04/2014 19:00

BOEKPRESENTATIE - Na een voor Frankrijk desastreus verlopen oorlog tegen Pruisen brak in 1871 een opstand uit die de geschiedenis zou ingaan als de Parijse Commune.

Op 18 maart van dat jaar bezetten opstandige Parijzenaars de stad. 72 dagen later werden zij in bloedige barricadegevechten verpletterend verslagen. Vele duizenden werden standrechtelijk geëxecuteerd.

Saturday 12 april 2014
Start:12/04/2014 00:00

Wat kan jij doen om te laten zien dat je hier niet mee eens ben?
1.Neem de banner van het event op FB over en like de FBpages van https://www.facebook.com/zegjategendownloaden en https://www.facebook.com/stop.downloadverbod
niet vergeten te delen natuurlijk;)

2.Maak flyers.Laat merken dat je het er niet mee eensbent en informeer de medeburger waarom.Doe dit in je wijk of stad.Alleen of met een groepje.

Start:12/04/2014 12:00

This April there will be a skill sharing for two weeks on the oc­cupa­ti­on of the Ham­ba­cher Forst/ Ham­bach Fo­rest. We want to let grow a big di­ver­si­ty of dif­fe­rent theo­re­ti­cal and prac­tical work­shops, di­s­cus­sions, pre­sen­ta­ti­ons,ac­tions and so on. Ever­y­bo­dy is in­vi­ted to par­ti­ci­pa­te, to bring in own ideas, to share some skills, to offer work­shops, to pre­sent so­me­thing or to ex­press her_his dis­plea­su­re about the de­struc­tion of na­tu­re and op­pres­si­on in crea­ti­ve way.

Sunday 13 april 2014

This April there will be a skill sharing for two weeks on the oc­cupa­ti­on of the Ham­ba­cher Forst/ Ham­bach Fo­rest. We want to let grow a big di­ver­si­ty of dif­fe­rent theo­re­ti­cal and prac­tical work­shops, di­s­cus­sions, pre­sen­ta­ti­ons,ac­tions and so on. Ever­y­bo­dy is in­vi­ted to par­ti­ci­pa­te, to bring in own ideas, to share some skills, to offer work­shops, to pre­sent so­me­thing or to ex­press her_his dis­plea­su­re about the de­struc­tion of na­tu­re and op­pres­si­on in crea­ti­ve way.

Monday 14 april 2014

This April there will be a skill sharing for two weeks on the oc­cupa­ti­on of the Ham­ba­cher Forst/ Ham­bach Fo­rest. We want to let grow a big di­ver­si­ty of dif­fe­rent theo­re­ti­cal and prac­tical work­shops, di­s­cus­sions, pre­sen­ta­ti­ons,ac­tions and so on. Ever­y­bo­dy is in­vi­ted to par­ti­ci­pa­te, to bring in own ideas, to share some skills, to offer work­shops, to pre­sent so­me­thing or to ex­press her_his dis­plea­su­re about the de­struc­tion of na­tu­re and op­pres­si­on in crea­ti­ve way.

Start:14/04/2014 14:00

Nederland is de zevende grootste wapenexporteur ter wereld. Enkele honderden Nederlandse bedrijven, maar ook het ministerie van defensie doen hieraan mee. Schiphol en de Rotterdamse haven zijn bovendien belangrijke doorvoerkanalen voor de internationale wapenhandel.

Nederlandse wapens worden ingezet tegen onschuldige burgers. Zo heeft Nederland onlangs wapens verkocht aan landen waar het leger vreedzame demonstranten neerschiet en massaal mensenrechten schendt.

Start:14/04/2014 15:00

PERSBERICHT vrijdag 11 april 2014

GEEN VROUWEN OP STRAAT! Supporters luiden de noodklok
Demonstratie maandag 14 april 15:00 uur Spui in Amsterdam

Tuesday 15 april 2014

This April there will be a skill sharing for two weeks on the oc­cupa­ti­on of the Ham­ba­cher Forst/ Ham­bach Fo­rest. We want to let grow a big di­ver­si­ty of dif­fe­rent theo­re­ti­cal and prac­tical work­shops, di­s­cus­sions, pre­sen­ta­ti­ons,ac­tions and so on. Ever­y­bo­dy is in­vi­ted to par­ti­ci­pa­te, to bring in own ideas, to share some skills, to offer work­shops, to pre­sent so­me­thing or to ex­press her_his dis­plea­su­re about the de­struc­tion of na­tu­re and op­pres­si­on in crea­ti­ve way.

Start:15/04/2014 20:00

De Haagse Mug nodigt uit om op dinsdag 15 april 2014 de presentatie "Over luistervinken in de polder" bij te wonen.

Inlichtingendiensten verzamelen persoonsgegevens in Nederland. Wat gebeurt daarmee en levert het wat op?

Naar aanleiding van de commotie rondom minister Plasterk en het 'afluisteren van telefoons' zal Rick van Amersfoort van Buro Jansen uitleg geven over hoe inlichtingendiensten in Nederland werken.

In zijn presentatie komen vragen aan de orde als: over welke data gaat het, hoe doen ze het, met welk doel en in opdracht van wie?

Wednesday 16 april 2014

This April there will be a skill sharing for two weeks on the oc­cupa­ti­on of the Ham­ba­cher Forst/ Ham­bach Fo­rest. We want to let grow a big di­ver­si­ty of dif­fe­rent theo­re­ti­cal and prac­tical work­shops, di­s­cus­sions, pre­sen­ta­ti­ons,ac­tions and so on. Ever­y­bo­dy is in­vi­ted to par­ti­ci­pa­te, to bring in own ideas, to share some skills, to offer work­shops, to pre­sent so­me­thing or to ex­press her_his dis­plea­su­re about the de­struc­tion of na­tu­re and op­pres­si­on in crea­ti­ve way.

Thursday 17 april 2014

This April there will be a skill sharing for two weeks on the oc­cupa­ti­on of the Ham­ba­cher Forst/ Ham­bach Fo­rest. We want to let grow a big di­ver­si­ty of dif­fe­rent theo­re­ti­cal and prac­tical work­shops, di­s­cus­sions, pre­sen­ta­ti­ons,ac­tions and so on. Ever­y­bo­dy is in­vi­ted to par­ti­ci­pa­te, to bring in own ideas, to share some skills, to offer work­shops, to pre­sent so­me­thing or to ex­press her_his dis­plea­su­re about the de­struc­tion of na­tu­re and op­pres­si­on in crea­ti­ve way.

Start:17/04/2014 20:00

Voedlink presenteert, donderdag 17 april 20:00:

Web of Life
(Rinku Kalsy & Mahesvari Autar, OHM, Nederland, 2012, 58 minuten)

Documentaire over het belang van biodiversiteit en de strijdlustige milieu-activiste en wetenschapper Vandana Shiva.

Friday 18 april 2014

This April there will be a skill sharing for two weeks on the oc­cupa­ti­on of the Ham­ba­cher Forst/ Ham­bach Fo­rest. We want to let grow a big di­ver­si­ty of dif­fe­rent theo­re­ti­cal and prac­tical work­shops, di­s­cus­sions, pre­sen­ta­ti­ons,ac­tions and so on. Ever­y­bo­dy is in­vi­ted to par­ti­ci­pa­te, to bring in own ideas, to share some skills, to offer work­shops, to pre­sent so­me­thing or to ex­press her_his dis­plea­su­re about the de­struc­tion of na­tu­re and op­pres­si­on in crea­ti­ve way.

Start:18/04/2014 20:50

Make your team!

Saturday 19 april 2014

This April there will be a skill sharing for two weeks on the oc­cupa­ti­on of the Ham­ba­cher Forst/ Ham­bach Fo­rest. We want to let grow a big di­ver­si­ty of dif­fe­rent theo­re­ti­cal and prac­tical work­shops, di­s­cus­sions, pre­sen­ta­ti­ons,ac­tions and so on. Ever­y­bo­dy is in­vi­ted to par­ti­ci­pa­te, to bring in own ideas, to share some skills, to offer work­shops, to pre­sent so­me­thing or to ex­press her_his dis­plea­su­re about the de­struc­tion of na­tu­re and op­pres­si­on in crea­ti­ve way.

Start:19/04/2014 13:00

19-04-2014 13:00 Tilburg Spoorzone Parkeerplaats Hall Of Fame.

Vanaf het station zullen bordjes de weg aangeven naar het verzamelpunt.

verdere info over route en arrestantengroep volgt

Sunday 20 april 2014

This April there will be a skill sharing for two weeks on the oc­cupa­ti­on of the Ham­ba­cher Forst/ Ham­bach Fo­rest. We want to let grow a big di­ver­si­ty of dif­fe­rent theo­re­ti­cal and prac­tical work­shops, di­s­cus­sions, pre­sen­ta­ti­ons,ac­tions and so on. Ever­y­bo­dy is in­vi­ted to par­ti­ci­pa­te, to bring in own ideas, to share some skills, to offer work­shops, to pre­sent so­me­thing or to ex­press her_his dis­plea­su­re about the de­struc­tion of na­tu­re and op­pres­si­on in crea­ti­ve way.

Monday 21 april 2014

This April there will be a skill sharing for two weeks on the oc­cupa­ti­on of the Ham­ba­cher Forst/ Ham­bach Fo­rest. We want to let grow a big di­ver­si­ty of dif­fe­rent theo­re­ti­cal and prac­tical work­shops, di­s­cus­sions, pre­sen­ta­ti­ons,ac­tions and so on. Ever­y­bo­dy is in­vi­ted to par­ti­ci­pa­te, to bring in own ideas, to share some skills, to offer work­shops, to pre­sent so­me­thing or to ex­press her_his dis­plea­su­re about the de­struc­tion of na­tu­re and op­pres­si­on in crea­ti­ve way.

Start:21/04/2014 19:00

Please let us know if you will be there!

More info at https://ta3m.org


  • Browser Based Foundation - Browser Based is partly a material / technically oriented platform dealing with the browser based context. Also the workshop is a net-culture knowledge base. The aim is to embed the participant into the internet art culture and let him/her actively contribute
Tuesday 22 april 2014

This April there will be a skill sharing for two weeks on the oc­cupa­ti­on of the Ham­ba­cher Forst/ Ham­bach Fo­rest. We want to let grow a big di­ver­si­ty of dif­fe­rent theo­re­ti­cal and prac­tical work­shops, di­s­cus­sions, pre­sen­ta­ti­ons,ac­tions and so on. Ever­y­bo­dy is in­vi­ted to par­ti­ci­pa­te, to bring in own ideas, to share some skills, to offer work­shops, to pre­sent so­me­thing or to ex­press her_his dis­plea­su­re about the de­struc­tion of na­tu­re and op­pres­si­on in crea­ti­ve way.

Wednesday 23 april 2014

This April there will be a skill sharing for two weeks on the oc­cupa­ti­on of the Ham­ba­cher Forst/ Ham­bach Fo­rest. We want to let grow a big di­ver­si­ty of dif­fe­rent theo­re­ti­cal and prac­tical work­shops, di­s­cus­sions, pre­sen­ta­ti­ons,ac­tions and so on. Ever­y­bo­dy is in­vi­ted to par­ti­ci­pa­te, to bring in own ideas, to share some skills, to offer work­shops, to pre­sent so­me­thing or to ex­press her_his dis­plea­su­re about the de­struc­tion of na­tu­re and op­pres­si­on in crea­ti­ve way.

Start:23/04/2014 18:00

Hier You can join and invite friends trough facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/613928545367632/616848425075644
Kom allemaal naar de grote manifestatie tegen de geplande massale bomenkap en tegen verwoesting van het gehele park door o.a. grote DANCE evenementen - tienduizenden bezoekers - zoals Loveland op zaterdag 26 april.

Hoe kán de gemeente vergunningen afgeven voor het kappen van meer dan 25% van de bomen én grote evenementen terwijl bijna alle buurtbewoners hier op tegen zijn, terwijl de bodem van het park al in (bewust?) slecht onderhouden staat verkeert?

Start:23/04/2014 18:30

On Wednesday the 23rd of April it is time again for a writing evening for prisoners by the Anarchist Black Cross Nijmegen and this time we will write to Ebba Olausson from Sweden. Ebba is a 22 year old animal rights activist who was sentenced to 2 years and 6 months of prison for participating in actions against fur farming. So show solidarity and come by to write a card or letter!

Where?: Eetcafe ‘de Klinker’, van Broeckhuysenstraat 46, Nijmegen
When?: Wednesday 23-4 at 19.30


Thursday 24 april 2014

This April there will be a skill sharing for two weeks on the oc­cupa­ti­on of the Ham­ba­cher Forst/ Ham­bach Fo­rest. We want to let grow a big di­ver­si­ty of dif­fe­rent theo­re­ti­cal and prac­tical work­shops, di­s­cus­sions, pre­sen­ta­ti­ons,ac­tions and so on. Ever­y­bo­dy is in­vi­ted to par­ti­ci­pa­te, to bring in own ideas, to share some skills, to offer work­shops, to pre­sent so­me­thing or to ex­press her_his dis­plea­su­re about the de­struc­tion of na­tu­re and op­pres­si­on in crea­ti­ve way.

Start:24/04/2014 16:18

On thursday 24 of april there will be a manifestation to demand freedom for mumia abu-jamal
and other innocent prisoners. mumia will have his 60st birthday that day; he spent already 32
years innocent in jail...it,s time he gets out!
The manifestation is at museumplein opposite U.S.-consulate from 4 till 6 o,clock together with:
Dub-a-ware meets zen rockers dj-set.
come all, bring your friends, put it on your facebook.....

Start:24/04/2014 18:09

dear people, on thursday 24 april 2014, Mumia Abu-Jamal will become 60 years.
Unfortunally, he has to celebrate his birthday in the prison, where he survived 32 years.
Mumia's conviction and deathsentence are relics of a time and place,that was notorious for police-abuse and racial discrimination.
He spent 30 years innocent on deathrow. In dec. 2011 they changed the deathpenalty into lifesentence without parole.
(mumia himself calls it 'slow deathrow'.) In holland lifesentence means 30 years, in the U.S.A., lifesentence means the whole life.

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