This phenomenon can be found in almost every aspect of modern life. The illusion of participation is one of their strongest weapons, and together with the ongoing expansion of so called rights, democracy is developing towards a system, in which the ruled are actively participating in their own oppression.
This phenomenon can be found in almost every aspect of modern life. The illusion of participation is one of their strongest weapons, and together with the ongoing expansion of so called rights, democracy is developing towards a system, in which the ruled are actively participating in their own oppression.
Apart from the permanent protection of the forest, there are the following dates:
9 – 18 October: Skill-Sharing Camp
17 October: Blockade of the Coal train
18 October: Forest Walk with forest pedagogue Michael Zobel
20 – 29 November: Action week in the hot part of the cutting season
Contact & Directions
+49 (0) 15754136100
We will have a bunch of workshops, stuff like climbing, press work, legal team, but also some stuff that we will not reveal just yet. To participate all you need is a place to stay (tent, sleeping bag etc) maybe a cool plan (there are action maps available) and some rainproof stuff. The camp is donation based, also The KUFA the mobile kitchen from the WAA will come to cook for all.
The skillshare will take place 9 till 18th of october, the last weekend we will blockade the hambachbahn. This is the railway between the hambachmine and the coalplant.
This summer has seen a re(in)surgence of anti-capitalist movements with camps and actions all across Europe, from the defiant Greek Oxi! to the solidarity shown to refugees desperately fleeing European and US-caused devastation to the collective euphoria of 1000 people flowing through police lines to shut down the vast lignite coal mines in the Rhineland—the largest source of CO2 emissions in Europe.
Om 20:00 @ the Oldskool is er een info-avond over PEGIDA!
PEGIDA is de naam van de straatbeweging uit Duitsland die begin dit jaar duizenden mensen mobiliseerde tegen de ‘islamisering van het avondland’. Voor het protest op 11 oktober hebben Nederlandse nazi’s ook Lutz Bachmann uitgenodigd. Hij is bekend van de foto die hij van zichzelf maakte als Hitler.
This phenomenon can be found in almost every aspect of modern life. The illusion of participation is one of their strongest weapons, and together with the ongoing expansion of so called rights, democracy is developing towards a system, in which the ruled are actively participating in their own oppression.
Apart from the permanent protection of the forest, there are the following dates:
9 – 18 October: Skill-Sharing Camp
17 October: Blockade of the Coal train
18 October: Forest Walk with forest pedagogue Michael Zobel
20 – 29 November: Action week in the hot part of the cutting season
Contact & Directions
+49 (0) 15754136100
We will have a bunch of workshops, stuff like climbing, press work, legal team, but also some stuff that we will not reveal just yet. To participate all you need is a place to stay (tent, sleeping bag etc) maybe a cool plan (there are action maps available) and some rainproof stuff. The camp is donation based, also The KUFA the mobile kitchen from the WAA will come to cook for all.
The skillshare will take place 9 till 18th of october, the last weekend we will blockade the hambachbahn. This is the railway between the hambachmine and the coalplant.
This summer has seen a re(in)surgence of anti-capitalist movements with camps and actions all across Europe, from the defiant Greek Oxi! to the solidarity shown to refugees desperately fleeing European and US-caused devastation to the collective euphoria of 1000 people flowing through police lines to shut down the vast lignite coal mines in the Rhineland—the largest source of CO2 emissions in Europe.
Datum: 10 oktober
Tijd: 13:00
Locatie: Jonas Daniel Meijer Plein
We hebben 10 oktober gekozen om aan te sluiten bij een grote Europese actiedag. Politieke leiders hebben de ambitie om eind 2015 een onderhandelingsresultaat op hoofdlijnen te hebben. Hoe groter het protest op 10 oktober, hoe meer dat resultaat onder druk komt te staan.
Wil je meehelpen met de voorbereidingen? Dat is van harte welkom. Laat hieronder een berichtje achter hoe je zou kunnen bijdragen.
Weet je nog niet wat TTIP is? Check de video van Arjen Lubach:
This phenomenon can be found in almost every aspect of modern life. The illusion of participation is one of their strongest weapons, and together with the ongoing expansion of so called rights, democracy is developing towards a system, in which the ruled are actively participating in their own oppression.
Apart from the permanent protection of the forest, there are the following dates:
9 – 18 October: Skill-Sharing Camp
17 October: Blockade of the Coal train
18 October: Forest Walk with forest pedagogue Michael Zobel
20 – 29 November: Action week in the hot part of the cutting season
Contact & Directions
+49 (0) 15754136100
We will have a bunch of workshops, stuff like climbing, press work, legal team, but also some stuff that we will not reveal just yet. To participate all you need is a place to stay (tent, sleeping bag etc) maybe a cool plan (there are action maps available) and some rainproof stuff. The camp is donation based, also The KUFA the mobile kitchen from the WAA will come to cook for all.
The skillshare will take place 9 till 18th of october, the last weekend we will blockade the hambachbahn. This is the railway between the hambachmine and the coalplant.
This summer has seen a re(in)surgence of anti-capitalist movements with camps and actions all across Europe, from the defiant Greek Oxi! to the solidarity shown to refugees desperately fleeing European and US-caused devastation to the collective euphoria of 1000 people flowing through police lines to shut down the vast lignite coal mines in the Rhineland—the largest source of CO2 emissions in Europe.
[english below]
Op zondag 11 oktober komt de extreemrechtse groep Pegida demonstreren in Utrecht. Dat mogen we niet laten gebeuren! Doe mee en maak een vuist tegen racisme en islamofobie: Om 12 uur gaan we het Neudeplein blokkeren, waar Pegida denkt te kunnen demonstreren!
*Gewelddadige neonazi's*
Apart from the permanent protection of the forest, there are the following dates:
9 – 18 October: Skill-Sharing Camp
17 October: Blockade of the Coal train
18 October: Forest Walk with forest pedagogue Michael Zobel
20 – 29 November: Action week in the hot part of the cutting season
Contact & Directions
+49 (0) 15754136100
We will have a bunch of workshops, stuff like climbing, press work, legal team, but also some stuff that we will not reveal just yet. To participate all you need is a place to stay (tent, sleeping bag etc) maybe a cool plan (there are action maps available) and some rainproof stuff. The camp is donation based, also The KUFA the mobile kitchen from the WAA will come to cook for all.
The skillshare will take place 9 till 18th of october, the last weekend we will blockade the hambachbahn. This is the railway between the hambachmine and the coalplant.
Apart from the permanent protection of the forest, there are the following dates:
9 – 18 October: Skill-Sharing Camp
17 October: Blockade of the Coal train
18 October: Forest Walk with forest pedagogue Michael Zobel
20 – 29 November: Action week in the hot part of the cutting season
Contact & Directions
+49 (0) 15754136100
We will have a bunch of workshops, stuff like climbing, press work, legal team, but also some stuff that we will not reveal just yet. To participate all you need is a place to stay (tent, sleeping bag etc) maybe a cool plan (there are action maps available) and some rainproof stuff. The camp is donation based, also The KUFA the mobile kitchen from the WAA will come to cook for all.
The skillshare will take place 9 till 18th of october, the last weekend we will blockade the hambachbahn. This is the railway between the hambachmine and the coalplant.
Na de besparingsmaatregelen van de EU halen we nu met de handelsakkoorden zoals TTIP, het paard van Troje binnen. Dit handelsverdrag valt niet alleen onze levenswijze aan maar ook onze gezondheid, onze democratie, onze veiligheid en onze vrijheden. Het doel van het TTIP: de triomf van de financiële machten en de multinationals over de vrijheden, de democratie van het volk.
Apart from the permanent protection of the forest, there are the following dates:
9 – 18 October: Skill-Sharing Camp
17 October: Blockade of the Coal train
18 October: Forest Walk with forest pedagogue Michael Zobel
20 – 29 November: Action week in the hot part of the cutting season
Contact & Directions
+49 (0) 15754136100
We will have a bunch of workshops, stuff like climbing, press work, legal team, but also some stuff that we will not reveal just yet. To participate all you need is a place to stay (tent, sleeping bag etc) maybe a cool plan (there are action maps available) and some rainproof stuff. The camp is donation based, also The KUFA the mobile kitchen from the WAA will come to cook for all.
The skillshare will take place 9 till 18th of october, the last weekend we will blockade the hambachbahn. This is the railway between the hambachmine and the coalplant.
Na de besparingsmaatregelen van de EU halen we nu met de handelsakkoorden zoals TTIP, het paard van Troje binnen. Dit handelsverdrag valt niet alleen onze levenswijze aan maar ook onze gezondheid, onze democratie, onze veiligheid en onze vrijheden. Het doel van het TTIP: de triomf van de financiële machten en de multinationals over de vrijheden, de democratie van het volk.
Apart from the permanent protection of the forest, there are the following dates:
9 – 18 October: Skill-Sharing Camp
17 October: Blockade of the Coal train
18 October: Forest Walk with forest pedagogue Michael Zobel
20 – 29 November: Action week in the hot part of the cutting season
Contact & Directions
+49 (0) 15754136100
We will have a bunch of workshops, stuff like climbing, press work, legal team, but also some stuff that we will not reveal just yet. To participate all you need is a place to stay (tent, sleeping bag etc) maybe a cool plan (there are action maps available) and some rainproof stuff. The camp is donation based, also The KUFA the mobile kitchen from the WAA will come to cook for all.
The skillshare will take place 9 till 18th of october, the last weekend we will blockade the hambachbahn. This is the railway between the hambachmine and the coalplant.
Na de besparingsmaatregelen van de EU halen we nu met de handelsakkoorden zoals TTIP, het paard van Troje binnen. Dit handelsverdrag valt niet alleen onze levenswijze aan maar ook onze gezondheid, onze democratie, onze veiligheid en onze vrijheden. Het doel van het TTIP: de triomf van de financiële machten en de multinationals over de vrijheden, de democratie van het volk.
Om de overledenen van de aanslag te herdenken en te protesteren tegen dit fascistische bloedbad zullen wij donderdag 15 oktober aanstaande om 18:00 bijeenkomen op het Willemsplein in Arnhem.
Donderdag 15 oktober - 18:00
Willemsplein, Arnhem (5 minuten loopafstand van het station)
Apart from the permanent protection of the forest, there are the following dates:
9 – 18 October: Skill-Sharing Camp
17 October: Blockade of the Coal train
18 October: Forest Walk with forest pedagogue Michael Zobel
20 – 29 November: Action week in the hot part of the cutting season
Contact & Directions
+49 (0) 15754136100
We will have a bunch of workshops, stuff like climbing, press work, legal team, but also some stuff that we will not reveal just yet. To participate all you need is a place to stay (tent, sleeping bag etc) maybe a cool plan (there are action maps available) and some rainproof stuff. The camp is donation based, also The KUFA the mobile kitchen from the WAA will come to cook for all.
The skillshare will take place 9 till 18th of october, the last weekend we will blockade the hambachbahn. This is the railway between the hambachmine and the coalplant.
Na de besparingsmaatregelen van de EU halen we nu met de handelsakkoorden zoals TTIP, het paard van Troje binnen. Dit handelsverdrag valt niet alleen onze levenswijze aan maar ook onze gezondheid, onze democratie, onze veiligheid en onze vrijheden. Het doel van het TTIP: de triomf van de financiële machten en de multinationals over de vrijheden, de democratie van het volk.
Wij horen er in de Nederlandse media bijna niks over maar het prachtige land Jemen is momenteel verscheurd door gewelddadige milities en een grote coalitie van aanvallende omringende landen. Terwijl het straatbeeld van Jemen wordt gedomineerd door kapotgeschoten huizen, kindsoldaten en rijen jerrycans voor niet aanwezige benzine, wachten de vluchtelingen uit Jemen op beleid over Jemen.
Apart from the permanent protection of the forest, there are the following dates:
9 – 18 October: Skill-Sharing Camp
17 October: Blockade of the Coal train
18 October: Forest Walk with forest pedagogue Michael Zobel
20 – 29 November: Action week in the hot part of the cutting season
Contact & Directions
+49 (0) 15754136100
We will have a bunch of workshops, stuff like climbing, press work, legal team, but also some stuff that we will not reveal just yet. To participate all you need is a place to stay (tent, sleeping bag etc) maybe a cool plan (there are action maps available) and some rainproof stuff. The camp is donation based, also The KUFA the mobile kitchen from the WAA will come to cook for all.
The skillshare will take place 9 till 18th of october, the last weekend we will blockade the hambachbahn. This is the railway between the hambachmine and the coalplant.
Na de besparingsmaatregelen van de EU halen we nu met de handelsakkoorden zoals TTIP, het paard van Troje binnen. Dit handelsverdrag valt niet alleen onze levenswijze aan maar ook onze gezondheid, onze democratie, onze veiligheid en onze vrijheden. Het doel van het TTIP: de triomf van de financiële machten en de multinationals over de vrijheden, de democratie van het volk.
The Hambach Railway, which transports the coal from the mine to the power plants, is essential for RWE to produce dirty energy – and it is vulnerable! That’s why we want to have a party on the railway, which will damage RWE. We are planning a blockade, which is open for everyone – for people whicht are not (yet) experienced in direct action, but also for people who did many blockades before. For people who prefea the safety of a bigger group to feel comfortable as well as for small groups who like to act on their own.
Rojava is een streek in Noordoost Syrië waar voornamelijk Koerden wonen. Sinds het begin van de burgeroorlog in Syrië, nu 4 jaar geleden, heeft deze streek zich autonoom verklaard en is er een systeem van directe democratie en zelfbeheer ingevoerd.
Apart from the permanent protection of the forest, there are the following dates:
9 – 18 October: Skill-Sharing Camp
17 October: Blockade of the Coal train
18 October: Forest Walk with forest pedagogue Michael Zobel
20 – 29 November: Action week in the hot part of the cutting season
Contact & Directions
+49 (0) 15754136100
We will have a bunch of workshops, stuff like climbing, press work, legal team, but also some stuff that we will not reveal just yet. To participate all you need is a place to stay (tent, sleeping bag etc) maybe a cool plan (there are action maps available) and some rainproof stuff. The camp is donation based, also The KUFA the mobile kitchen from the WAA will come to cook for all.
The skillshare will take place 9 till 18th of october, the last weekend we will blockade the hambachbahn. This is the railway between the hambachmine and the coalplant.
Na de besparingsmaatregelen van de EU halen we nu met de handelsakkoorden zoals TTIP, het paard van Troje binnen. Dit handelsverdrag valt niet alleen onze levenswijze aan maar ook onze gezondheid, onze democratie, onze veiligheid en onze vrijheden. Het doel van het TTIP: de triomf van de financiële machten en de multinationals over de vrijheden, de democratie van het volk.
Vegan food
Anarchist Black Cross
Bye bye black pete!
crust punk
23/10 20:00
Vegan food
Anarchist Black Cross
Bye bye black pete!
crust punk
23/10 20:00
This training will be a chance to develop skills, experience and confidence to take part in the creative and direct actions during the UN climate summit in Paris (COP21) this December, particularly for the Climate Games and the last day of mass actions on December 12th, expected to become the largest civil disobedience action on climate change in European history.
Verbod en splitsing
Weken voor deze demonstratie plaatsvindt hebben via Facebook al meer dan duizend mensen aangegeven te zullen komen. De demonstratie werd vroegtijdig aangemeld bij de politie en in hooligan- en neonazikringen wordt ijverig gemobiliseerd om het racistisch geladen geweld van 2014 wederom de straten te laten domineren. Zei proberen hun ‘’Wonder van Keulen’’ ,zoals zei de gebeurtenissen van vorig jaar noemen, te herhalen.
Verbod en splitsing
Weken voor deze demonstratie plaatsvindt hebben via Facebook al meer dan duizend mensen aangegeven te zullen komen. De demonstratie werd vroegtijdig aangemeld bij de politie en in hooligan- en neonazikringen wordt ijverig gemobiliseerd om het racistisch geladen geweld van 2014 wederom de straten te laten domineren. Zei proberen hun ‘’Wonder van Keulen’’ ,zoals zei de gebeurtenissen van vorig jaar noemen, te herhalen.
Migrants coming to Europe flee conflict, brutal political regimes, poverty, and fear. Many of them are harmed on the way either by state or non-state actors and thousands die. A number of questions arise: Who is responsible for harms to migrants in the Mediterranean? How do powerful actors evade their responsibility? What is the role of corporations? What is Frontex and what role does it play in the Mediterranean? What can we do?
Let’s try to find the answers together.
In response, on 1 November 2014 an urgent international call for a global day of action for Kobane and for Humanity was launched appealing to people all over the world to show solidarity with Kobane and for humanitarian and material assistance.
Migratie is van alle tijden. Ook nu zijn er mensen op de vlucht voor oorlog, armoede en politieke onderdrukking. Deze omstandigheden worden voor een groot deel veroorzaakt door de buitenlandse politiek van Westerse landen. Maar in plaats van dat vluchtelingen in Nederland welkom worden geheten, word er een rechtse hetze tegen hen gevoerd. Aangewakkerd door rechtse politieke partijen worden er onder andere asielzoekerscentra en toekomstige opvangplekken voor vluchtelingen beklad met racistische teksten en symbolen.
Ze waren te snel om te vragen waarom ze daar liepen en ik kon de borden en banners niet lezen. Weet iemand waarom ze daar waren? (misschien in een aparte post posten ajb.) Dank!
We will kick off with some short films and talks about experiences of past COPs and the plans for Paris so far.
Come along if you want to get up to speed with the international plans for a mass disobedient ‘Red Lines’ action on the 12th December in Paris. Plus find out more about the world’s largest Disobedient Action Adventure: the Climate Games.
The topics will be:
* Who is involved with Pegida?
* How can you stop Pegida (on 8 november and other moments) without getting into trouble?
All questions about protesting, extreme-right and police will be answered.
7 november 16:00,
Voorstraat 71