Resistance to the war in Ukraine, Sudanese protests against military rule or the social revolt in Chile are some examples that not only show us the possibilities of organizing and collective struggle. They also highlight how important it is for social movements to learn from each other and support each other in these times. Not only outside the walls but also behind them.
Resistance to the war in Ukraine, Sudanese protests against military rule or the social revolt in Chile are some examples that not only show us the possibilities of organizing and collective struggle. They also highlight how important it is for social movements to learn from each other and support each other in these times. Not only outside the walls but also behind them.
Op deze donderdagavond gaan we de straat op om de stem te zijn voor de ganzen en eenden.
Wist je dat er nog steeds restaurants zijn in Utrecht die foie gras, de op gruwelijke wijze vervette lever van ganzen en eenden, verkopen? We gaan langs bij twee van deze restaurants om de stem te zijn voor de dieren.
Doe mee, en laten we samen de strijd aan gaan. Tot de laatste kooi leeg is!
Donderdag 25-08-2022
17:30 - Domplein Utrecht
On this Thursday evening we will take to the streets to be the voice for the geese and ducks.
Have you ever heard of Yara International ASA?
Want to know more about corporate greenwashing in agriculture and dirty business of (nitrogen) fertilizers?
Next Thursday will not be a comedy night, still, there will be a lot to laugh about- so as not to cry- unmasking the big fat jokes pushed by industrial agriculture through a fun quiz!
((Little sneak peak: Yara is Europe's biggest industrial buyer of fossil gas and promoter of industrial agriculture ???? BLEAH!))
Shut Down Yara and Free the Soil! ✊????✊????✊????✊????✊????
p.s. there will be waffles!
Resistance to the war in Ukraine, Sudanese protests against military rule or the social revolt in Chile are some examples that not only show us the possibilities of organizing and collective struggle. They also highlight how important it is for social movements to learn from each other and support each other in these times. Not only outside the walls but also behind them.
Resistance to the war in Ukraine, Sudanese protests against military rule or the social revolt in Chile are some examples that not only show us the possibilities of organizing and collective struggle. They also highlight how important it is for social movements to learn from each other and support each other in these times. Not only outside the walls but also behind them.
Resistance to the war in Ukraine, Sudanese protests against military rule or the social revolt in Chile are some examples that not only show us the possibilities of organizing and collective struggle. They also highlight how important it is for social movements to learn from each other and support each other in these times. Not only outside the walls but also behind them.
Resistance to the war in Ukraine, Sudanese protests against military rule or the social revolt in Chile are some examples that not only show us the possibilities of organizing and collective struggle. They also highlight how important it is for social movements to learn from each other and support each other in these times. Not only outside the walls but also behind them.
Resistance to the war in Ukraine, Sudanese protests against military rule or the social revolt in Chile are some examples that not only show us the possibilities of organizing and collective struggle. They also highlight how important it is for social movements to learn from each other and support each other in these times. Not only outside the walls but also behind them.
We voeren de druk op!
Weg met de foie gras industrie!
Na enkele weken bedenktijd, is er helaas nog steeds niet verandert. Nog steeds verkopen in Utrecht een tweetal restaurants foie gras. Vanaf nu gaan we dus nog vaker voor de deur staan, om de stem te zijn voor de ganzen en eenden. Doe je met ons mee?
We verzamelen op zaterdag 03-09-2022 om 17:30 op het Domplein. Van daaruit gaan we naar de restaurants. Kom vooral en neem je vrienden/kennissen mee. Samen veranderen we de wereld!
Alle dieren vrij!
Protest in Utrecht
03-09-2022 - 17:30
In plaats van deze situatie op te lossen, heeft het kabinet besloten om mensen op de vlucht nog slechter te behandelen. Procedures mogen 15 maanden duren in plaats van 6, ouders en kinderen worden langer gescheiden, de veilige vluchtroute voor duizend vluchtelingen uit Turkije wordt stilgelegd, en de opvang moet nog soberder. VVD, CDA, D66 en CU zetten opnieuw al hun principes overboord, en misbruiken de ellende in Ter Apel om mensen nog slechter te behandelen. HOE DAN?
This counter-lagoon will be a space for community building and learning about grassroots, bottom up regeneration in resistance of corporate greenwashing at the „Regenerative Agriculture and Food Systems Summit“. This summit is hosted by colonial and ecocidal companies such as Yara and Nestle on the 6th and 7th of September in Amsterdam.
You can read & sign our statement here:
Food will be provided by Taste Before You Waste and reservation is appreciated (email for reservation and programme details).
Meer dan 1000 Oekraïense soldaten worden inmiddels strafrechtelijk vervolgd voor desertie, terwijl honderden Russische militairen in de door Rusland bezette Luhansk-regio gevangen worden gehouden omdat zij weigeren te vechten. Het verzet onder soldaten tegen de oorlog neemt toe. Ook in Belarus, waar een algehele mobilisatie dreigt en duizenden jongeren gehoor geven aan de oproep van anti-oorlogsorganisaties om te vluchten of deserteren.