| andere porno? | nani - 17.02.2006 15:39
Wat hier van te denken? :) www.fuckforforest.com | Veronica Monet on compassion for sex workers | Veronica Monet - 24.03.2006 19:20
Gepost door nani So this angry abolitionist started sending me emails. She refused to say who she is beyond the name she gave. But as I grew to know her better through her hateful emails, it became apparent that this woman is not a sex worker. Rather she loves to quote statistics. I guess she has read about my profession. And when faced with the opportunity to speak to a real live whore, she would rather beat that whore over the head with her statistics than listen to the voice and experience and feelings of one prostitute woman. My fourteen years as a sex worker, the fact that I was evicted as a prostitute, that I went to jail on prostitution charges and that I was raped by a serial rapist who preys upon prostitutes means nothing to her. I am not one of the unfortunate women she wishes to help. I am the enemy simply because I disagree with her and her books and her tired statistics. So to all the hateful abolitionists who cannot find an ounce of compassion in their cold hearts I have this to say: I hear you when you speak about being raped. I hear you when you cry out for help. I hear you when you tell me that prostitution was the worst thing that ever happened to you. And I believe you. Now please hear me when I speak from my heart and my experience. If prostitution is my chosen profession, respect that. Don't try to silence my voice because I disagree with you about how to help women and how to protect prostitutes. We are sisters and we both want women to be safe. And to the analytical academics who like to study whores as if we were rats in a cage, I have this to say: Did you really expect the prostitute to agree with you? Did you expect us to spout academic hyperbole and trot out statistical data? We are whores. We do what you read about. We don't need to study it. We are it. And someday our voice will count. Until our voices count with you, you have no right to claim concern for whores. Now show me you mean what you say when you say you want to help prostitutes. Stop trying to discredit and hurt those few prostitutes who actually have the courage to come forward and speak out publicly. Recognize as human. And grant us the dignity to speak for ourselves. Veronica Monet
http://www.swop-usa.org/Veronicablog.html E-Mail: nani@xs4all.nl Website: http://www.swop-usa.org/Veronicablog.html | hulk? | spiderman - 14.02.2006 14:39
Ik ben het wel eens dat er een nieuwe feministische kritiek moet zijn (die reageert op nieuwe situaties, etc.), maar hoe jij het voorstelt is het vooral moralistisch van toon. Niet om je af te vallen, maar volgens mij moet een feministische kritiek niet alleen een beroep doen op beleid of het "belabberde" bestaande beleid aanklagen. In eerste instantie moet je kijken naar de autonomie van meisjes en vrouwen, en pas van daaruit naar de manieren waarop ze gerepresenteerd/onderdrukt/etc. worden. Dat is natuurlijk niet makkelijk als je gelijk begint bij heftige dingen als prostitutie en porno en vrouwenhandel, maar het kan wel. (Ik hoorde pas bijvoorbeeld dat vrouwenhandel niet betekent van A naar B en dan klaar, maar dat sommigen de ene week in Amsterdam aan het werk gezet worden, dan in Antwerpen, etc. Dat gebeurt niet omdat die vrouwen zulke hulpeloze slachtoffers zijn, maar precies om hun vermogen om zich te verdedigen te ondermijnen.) Ik denk trouwens dat veel vrouwen het niet eens zijn met de slogan over porno, en niet omdat ze patriarchale normen "geinternaliseerd hebben" ofzo... Maar goed, hoop dat je dit waardevol commentaar vindt. power, spiderman | |