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USA tegen valse oorlog met Iran 
real p. - 18.03.2006 08:59
non-patriot misiles, but misions 
messenger - 18.03.2006 08:27

De echte patriots zijn geen extreem rechtse of extreem godsdienstige egstoorden, zoals de mediamaipulatie en infiltranten binnen media en activistische bewegingen ons voorschotelen. Het zijn meestal enigzins godsdienstigen die andere godsdiensten en culturen accepteren EN TEGEN EEN OORLOG MET IRAN ZIJN OP BASIS VAN VALSE MOTIEVEN.
31 Maart 
Arend - 25.03.2006 02:42

Ondanks dwarsverbanden (zo is een andere vriend een antiterreur expert bij de Houston police EN lid van politie vrijmetselarij)...
Zijn er veel aanwijzingen dat volgens o.a. numerologie uit de Hermetic Kaballah op 3/31 een atoombom rond Texas City (nabij Houston) ontploft.
Oftewel binnen een week.
331, 3 31 = 3x primenr (net als 7/7/7 cq 7/7/2005), 31 omgekeerde van 13 op vrijdag de 31e.
atomic chatter 
Arendsoog - 19.03.2006 03:33

Ehumm... voor een oorlog tegen Iran is er wellicht een 2e 11 september nodig. Wel iets groter, want men is inmiddels wel wat gewend. Een atoombommetje of zo dat ergens per ongeluk in de woestijn ontploft, voordat het een grote stad bereikt? Dat geeft vast wel de benodigde steun om onmiddelijk landen als Iran aan te vallen:

"It's because of men like Jon Watkins that the Nuclear 911 was averted, and his comments (below) are especially welcome as we proceed with the Texas City Inquest.
A week before the January 31, 2006 prediction for the detonation of a 10 kiloton device in the British Petroleum Refinery of Texas City, Mr. Watkins, a lay minister, went on the attack against the plot in the heart of Texas City. He risked his life for his fellow citizens, and there is no higher courage than this. For this, he has earned my admiration and respect, and his words below show that the eyes of Texas are indeed upon you, Boy George Bush!
If there is still anyone not following the story of the Bush attempt to nuke Texas City, this link will catch you up to speed:
"My name is Jon Watkins, a fellow citizen of Texas City. I am also the one who went to the police and informed them to what was POSSIBLY planed. I would like to chime in and respond if I may. I have CCed this to Capt. May, Stan Norred, and TJ Aulds as they are part of this ongoing situation.
I do believe that an attack was thwarted by Capt. May's efforts. The details as to why I believe that are too many to go into and would take voluminous space. If you would like to look at some info as to why I think our satanic government can't be trusted, you can view my web site at
... It is going on all over the country and one day they WILL carry out another attack similar or bigger then 911. It will not be patsy radical Muslims, it will be the satanic rouge trash that is in the shadow government and they scum they control. They good guys have already captured one large and one small nuclear device coming across the border of Arizona. You didn't hear about that in the news did you? No you did not because that is what they will use and don't want the public up in arms more then we are about the open borders. By the way, several smaller ones were not captured and have not been found yet. All these shills and lap-dogs report on is what they are told to report. You will not hear the truth from the mainstream press. That is why I will not spend my hard earned money buying the propaganda they print or spew on TV
"[Sharon K Maris:] ... They told us that back in the 1940's they were told about a church here in Texas City that was in service in the mid to late 1930's when it was prophesied that TC would be destroyed. It was such a powerful prophesy that many church members left TC that very night leaving their homes, belongings, and animals behind. They told us that some of the people in TC made fun of them for leaving and got mad at them for leaving the animals for others to take care of. We have often wondered if that prophesy has still not come to pass. A lot of people believe that the explosion in 1947 was a fulfillment of that prophesy, but TC wasn't destroyed, it was just devastated.
Possible Nuke in Houston area very soon? 
clearxs - 30.03.2006 20:16

"A lot of info that a "false flag" operation about detonating a nuke on USA soil, might be very emminent.
This in order to start war with Iran (&N.Korea & Venezuela?). A war they don't have the conventional means for; financial, support, dying soldiers, etc."

x - 17.03.2006 16:21

Steun de ayatollahs in hun streven naar kernwapens zodat ze de Joden kunnen vernietigen ! Werp de amerikaanse wereldhegemonie omver zodat de chinese communistische partij de machtsbepalende factor in de wereld wordt!

Denk nu eens na eikels! Die hele mensenrechtenreligie van jullie wordt mogelijk gemaakt door de amerikaanse hegemonie. Als die hegemonie verdwijnt, blijft er weing van over.

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