| counter-informatie | Che Fan - 19.03.2006 11:45
Hioer wat counterinformatie nav bovenstaande pro-amerikaanse en pro-impewrialistische oproep ter voorbereiding van amerikaanse agressie tegen Cuba. Zoals uit onderstaande documentatie blijkt, is deze oproep 100% het verlengde van de amerikaanse politiek tegenover Cuba. Feitelijk zijn het wegbereidingen voor een invasie zoals we hebben gezien in Grenada, Panama en recentelijk Irak. Als we het over Cuba en de mensenrechten hebben is het nogal dikwijls Cuba die met de vinger gewezen wordt. De VS voeren reeds jaren een agressieve media-campagne om de publieke opinie daarvan te overtuigen. Maar wist je dat de agressie politiek van de VS reeds 46 jaar onschuldige slachtoffers eist onder de Cubaanse bevolking?
http://www.indymedia.nl/nl/2005/12/32959.shtml De amerikaanse plannen met Cuba:
http://www.indymedia.nl/nl/2004/11/22798.shtml Philip Agee over usa inmenging in Cuba
http://www.indymedia.nl/nl/2004/10/22406.shtml De plannen van de amerikaanse fascisten met Cuba:
http://www.indymedia.nl/nl/2004/11/22671.shtml International Development Update on Program to Promote Cuban Transition to Democracy (USAID program designed to help develop civil society in Cuba) (1230) Following is the text of a press release from the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), providing a May 2002 update on the agency's Cuba program. USAID's Cuba program is designed to increase the flow of information on democracy, human rights, and free enterprise to, from, and within Cuba. USAID/Cuba Program May 2002 GOAL: Promote Rapid, Peaceful Transition to Democracy in Cuba, Helping Develop Civil Society OBJECTIVE: Increase Flow of Information on Democracy, Human Rights and Free Enterprise, To, From, and Within Cuba A. BUILDING SOLIDARITY WITH CUBA'S HUMAN RIGHTS ACTIVISTS 1. Freedom House: Transitions ($500,000 -- completed) 2. Center for a Free Cuba ($2,249,709) 3. The Institute for Democracy in Cuba ($1,000,000 -- completed) 4. Cuban Dissidence Task Group ($250,000 -- completed) 5. International Republican Institute ($1,674,462) 6. Freedom House: Cuban Democracy Project ($825,000) 7. Grupo de Apoyo a la Disidencia ($1,200,000) 8. Accion Democratica Cubana ($400,000) B. GIVING VOICE TO CUBA'S INDEPENDENT JOURNALISTS 1. Cuba Free Press ($280,000 -- completed) 2. Florida International University: Journalism Training ($622,000) 3. CubaNet ($833,000) 4. Carta de Cuba ($293,000) C. HELPING DEVELOP INDEPENDENT CUBAN NGOs 1. Partners of the Americas ($172,000 -- completed) 2. Pan American Development Foundation ($553,500) 3. ACDI-VOCA: Independent Agricultural Cooperatives ($265,000 -- completed) 4. University of Miami: Developing Civil Society ($320,000) 5. Florida International University: NGO Development ($291,749) D. DEFENDING THE RIGHTS OF CUBAN WORKERS 1. American Center for Int'l Labor Solidarity ($168,575 -- completed) 2. National Policy Association ($424,000) E. PROVIDING DIRECT OUTREACH TO THE CUBAN PEOPLE 1. Cuba On-Line ($800,000) 2. Sabre Foundation ($85,000 -- completed) F. PLANNING FOR TRANSITION 1. Rutgers University: Planning for Change ($99,000 -- completed) 2. Int'l Foundation for Election Systems ($136,000 -- completed) 3. U.S. - Cuba Business Council ($852,000 -- completed) 4. University of Miami: Cuba Transition Planning ($1,045,000) G. EVALUATING PROGRAM IMPACT 1. Univ of Florida: Measuring Public Opinion ($110,000 -- completed) 2. PriceWaterhouseCoopers: Program Evaluation ($225,000 -- completed) ------------------------------------------------------------------- A. BUILDING SOLIDARITY WITH CUBA'S HUMAN RIGHTS ACTIVISTS 1. Freedom House: Transitions Provided 40,000 Spanish language books, pamphlets and other materials to the Cuban people on issues such as human rights, transition to democracy and free market economics. 2. The Center for a Free Cuba Gathers and disseminates information concerning the human rights situation in Cuba. Transmits the writings of Cuban human rights activists to non governmental organizations worldwide. Sponsors travel to Cuba by representatives of democratic societies. Distributes pro-democracy literature on the island. 3. The Institute for Democracy in Cuba Assisted democratic activists in Cuba, informed the Cuban people, gathered and disseminated information from inside Cuba on human rights. Provided 7,000 pounds of humanitarian assistance (food and medicine) to political prisoners, their families, and other victims of oppression. 4. Cuban Dissidence Task Group Published and disseminated worldwide the written analysis of Cuban democratic activists on the island. Provided humanitarian assistance (food and medicine) to political prisoners and their families, and to other victims of government oppression. 5. International Republican Institute Helps create and bolster international solidarity committees in Latin America and Europe in order to provide material, moral and ideological support for democratic activists in Cuba. 6. Freedom House: Cuban Democracy Project Promotes the formation of civic and political leadership in Cuba by linking professional organizations in Cuba to one another and to those in free democracies in Europe, North America and elsewhere. 7. Grupo de Apoyo a la Disidencia Provides humanitarian assistance and informational materials to political prisoners and their families and other victims of repression. 8. Accion Democratica Cubana Provides humanitarian assistance and informational materials to political prisoners and their families and other victims of repression. B. GIVING VOICE TO CUBA'S INDEPENDENT JOURNALISTS 1. Cuba Free Press Published the work of professional and independent writers and journalists inside Cuba. 2. Florida International University The FIU International Media Center (IMC) trains Cuba's independent journalists to help improve their professional skills. 3. CubaNet Expanding its comprehensive internet on-line coverage of Cuba's independent journalists, and other national and international press reports on Cuban human rights and economic issues. 4. Carta de Cuba Disseminates internationally and inside Cuba the writing of Cuba's independent journalists. C. HELPING DEVELOP INDEPENDENT CUBAN NGOs 1. Partners of the Americas Helped establish professional and institutional linkages between emerging Cuban community grassroots and professional organizations, cooperatives and other counterpart organizations around the world. 2. Pan American Development Foundation Establishes linkages between Cuban NGOs and counterpart NGOs operating elsewhere in the Americas, to demonstrate how NGOs function within democratic societies. Provides information and material assistance to Cuba's independent libraries. 3. ACDI-VOCA Independent Agricultural Cooperatives Provided technical information on cooperative development, agriculture and agro-business to independent NGOs in Cuba. 4. University of Miami: Developing Civil Society Facilitates access to information and training for Cuban NGOs and individuals. 5. Florida International University: NGO Development Trains Cuban NGO leaders in management and delivery of social services. D. DEFENDING THE RIGHTS OF CUBAN WORKERS 1. American Center for International Labor Solidarity Worked with trade union movements worldwide to persuade foreign firms to respect the rights of Cuban workers in their operations inside Cuba. 2. National Policy Association Convenes an international private sector working group to encourage companies doing business in Cuba to respect the rights of Cuban workers and to promote democracy. E. PROVIDING DIRECT OUTREACH TO THE CUBAN PEOPLE 1. Cuba On-Line Transmits information on democracy, human rights and free market economics directly to the Cuban people, through the international mail system, and by electronic means. 2. Sabre Foundation Donated new books and other informational materials on democratic transition, free market economics and other issues to independent Cuban NGOs and individuals in order to benefit the Cuban people. F. PLANNING FOR TRANSITION 1. Rutgers University: Planning for Change Supported planning for future assistance to a Cuban transition government and, eventually, to a democratically elected government in Cuba. Transmitted planning results to the Cuban people. 2. International Foundation for Election Systems Analyzed assistance required to support transitional elections in Cuba. Without discussing or considering the possible timing of elections, the study established guidelines, costs, and options concerning international assistance and the requirements or local administration of comprehensive voter registration and conduct of free and fair presidential and congressional elections in Cuba. USAID will disseminate its findings to the Cuban people. Posted on USAID web page: http://www.usaid.gov/regions/lac/cu 3. U.S-Cuba Business Council Surveyed U.S. private sector resources and plans to assist the eventual reconstruction of the Cuban economy. Conducted a conference series on Cuba's democratic free market future. 4. University of Miami: Cuba Transition Planning Analyzes challenges that will face a future transition government in Cuba, including: legal reform, political party formation, privatization and foreign investment, combating corruption, education reform, economic policy reform, international donor coordination. G. EVALUATING PROGRAM IMPACT 1. University of Florida: Measuring Public Opinion Estimated public opinion, knowledge and attitudes in Cuba through interviews with recent Cuban migrants, helping to monitor USAID program impact. Report posted on USAID web page: http://www.usaid.gov/regions/lac/cu 2. PriceWaterhouseCoopers, Inc. Under contract, assessed the effectiveness of the USAID Cuba program. Examined progress and impediments to achieving the program objective. Made recommendations for improving program effectiveness. Final report submitted July 2000. Posted on USAID web page: http://www.usaid.gov/regions/lac/cu (Distributed by the Office of International Information Programs, U.S. Department of State. Web site: http://usinfo.state.gov) This site is produced and maintained by the U.S. Department of State's Office of International Information Programs (usinfo.state.gov). Website: http://www.usaid.gov/regions/lac/cu/upd-cub.htm Let Cuba Live - End the Embargo Did You Know?... * The United States is the only country in the world that prohibits trade with Cuba. * All other countries are prevented from freely trading with Cuba by U.S. sanctions. For example, the U.S. restricts ships from our ports that have delivered goods to Cuba, reduces aid to countries by the amount of their Cuban sugar imports, bans exports of foreign-made products to Cuba if they contain U.S.-origin components, prohibits subsidiaries of U.S. multinationals from trading with Cuba, and sues executives of foreign firms that invest in properties once owned by U.S. companies. *The UN General Assembly has voted every year since 1992 to condemn the embargo for violating the trading sovereignty of other countries. In 1999, the vote was 157 to 2, with only Israel supporting the U.S. position. etc etc, verder lezen op: Website: http://members.cruzio.com/~yogi/cuba.htm Cubaanse resolutie tegen schenden mensenrechten op Guantanamo Bay. Cuba, ik zou bijna willen zeggen uiteráárd Cuba, heeft 't aangedurft een resolutie bij de Commissie Mensenrechten van de VN in te dienen tegen de schendingen van mensenrechten op Guantanamo Bay. Terwijl de VS Cuba hebben laten veroordelen door de commissie op voorstel van Honduras, die daarvoor een grote geldsom ontving van de VS als zijnde ontwikkelingshulp, wordt de situatie op de Amerikaanse basis in Cuba buiten beschouwing gelaten. Nu heeft Cuba dus een onderzoek aangevraagd door de commissie en tot m'n verbazing wordt deze resolutie gesteund door Mexico, zo lees ik in People's Daily. Tot m'n verbazing omdat Vicente Fox, de Mexicaanse president, regelmatig bij GWB2 op diens ranch op visite is en deze grote vrienden van elkaar zijn. De indiening van deze resolutie is een reactie van Cuba op de veroordeling van Cuba door de commissie. 22 Landen stemden voor de door Honduras ingediende motie, 21 landen stemden tegen en 10 onthielden zich. Of er dan sprake is van een echter veroordeling waag ik dan ook te betwijfelen. Ik ben benieuwd hoe vazaal Nederland zal stemmen als deze zaak inderdaad in de Commissie komt al valt dat niet moeilijk te voorspellen.
http://www.indymedia.nl/nl/2004/04/18419.shtml Over de vrijheid van spreken buiten CUBA
http://www.indymedia.nl/nl/2003/06/12607.shtml en ten slotte: Reporters sans Frontier ontmaskerd! Che Fan - 25.05.2005 13:30 Het staat zwart op wit. Journalisten zonder grenzen is een CIA operatie met als voornaamste doel het in discrediet brengen van Cuba.
| Voorpost | Che Fan - 19.03.2006 11:46
Als de Voorpost hier een domonstratie tegenb Cuba aankondigt, blijft die dan ook staan?
| verantoordelijkheid | . - 19.03.2006 12:04
De personen en organisaties achter deze demonstratie zijn medeverantwoordelijk als de amerikaanse fascisten hun zin krijgen en de revolutie wordt verslagen en Cuba wordt opgenomen in de neo-liberale wereld orde onder de leiding van diezelfde amerikaanse fascisten. Als de amerikanen hun zin krijgen en Cuba veranderd in een soort Haiti, als de straten rood gekleurd zijn van het bloed van de ant-fascistische verdedigingkrachten dan kleeft dit bloed ook aan hun handen. Als alle verworvenheden van de revolutie terug worden gedraait, als de homnger terug komt, het sterven aan te genezen ziektes, het analfabetisme en de uitbuiting en de terugkeer van fascistische terreur dan zullen deze orgisatoren zich moeten verantwoorden voor hun bijdrage aan de hernieuwde invoer van het fascisme in Cuba. Voorlopig gaat het echter de goede kant op in Zuid Amerika en geven deze lieden geen uitdrukking aan iets wat in de regio leeft. | |