| Earthlings - Make The Connection | DEV - 13.06.2006 18:47
[Documentary] Earthlings.avi 2003 1h35min 776Mb: ed2k://|file|Earthlings%20(Vegan%20Animal%20Rights)%20Documentation.avi|814362624|684D81A00668B207C713B77F1E662517|h=CXCA2VXLVTOPLCWFFCZPAJNQFJEDRHGZ|/ Using hidden cameras and never-before-seen footage, EARTHLINGS chronicles the day-to-day practices of the largest industries in the world, all of which rely entirely on animals for profit. www.imdb.com/title/tt0358456/ Watch Online: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3251419433163515470 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Documentary] CBC - The Nature of Things - Corporate Agriculture - Hollow men.avi 2003 352Mb: ed2k://|file|[indymedia].[indypeer.org].The.Nature.of.Things.-.Corporate.Agriculture.-.The.Hollow.Men.(CBC.2003-01-07).avi|369315840|72AF3F53AE228E43E5A94A2A59CAEC16|h=YT7R3H6GDJS4AGJSLTVMU4O44PKEYZ4V|/ [Documentary] CBC - The Nature of Things - Alternative Agriculture - Food For Life.avi 347Mb: ed2k://|file|[indymedia].[indypeer.org].The.Nature.of.Things.-.Alternative.Agriculture.-.Food.For.Life.(CBC.2003-01-14).avi|364752896|A7318BEF045C338520A4ADD540C2F050|h=RJ4DF3RRCTRR5CVBSXQUYQVWWOCKGAM4|/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Documentary]BBC - Supermarket Secrets - Dispatches.avi (2parts) 165Mb: ed2k://|file|Supermarket%20Secrets%20-%20Dispatches%20#1.avi|173887358|A63B69149BD27AFCF8B101D6AF058657|h=CGV4S5ANFC5NSCQGVWIAIEDAEYWL2ZLX|/ 166Mb: ed2k://|file|Supermarket%20Secrets%20-%20Dispatches%20#2.avi|174479008|299034EEFCE5745F322C1C1D040BB0B3|h=4RAFDAAIXU3FP3FWIHWAG5Z6KJQUDH6Z|/ How and what we eat has radically changed over the past few decades with the all-consuming rise of the supermarket. But what price are we paying for the homogenised, cheap and convenient food that supermarkets specialise in? In a two-part programme, journalist Jane Moore investigates how supermarkets have affected the food on our plates and reveals the tell-tale signs that the food we buy may not have been grown in the way we think. Using a combination of undercover filming and scientific analysis, Supermarket Secrets investigates whether the food on supermarket shelves is really as good as it looks, whether prices are as good as they seem and what happens behind the scenes in the production of supermarket food. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Documentary] The Future of Food.avi 2007 700Mb: ed2k://|file|The.Future.of.Food.avi|734060544|5181969B06F4334990C03028DBE5BA84|/ THE FUTURE OF FOOD offers an in-depth investigation into the disturbing truth behind the unlabeled, patented, genetically engineered foods that have quietly filled grocery store shelves for the past decade. http://imdb.com/title/tt0427276/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Documentary] The Price Of Consumption.avi 2004 ed2k://|file|vftr_priceofconsumption_hq.avi|50066746|19D1C1C2141DBFAD633E315F22B13CD0|/ This film draws the connection between products being consumed and the consequences of the extreme consumption patterns occuring in every day american life. This is a semi-experimental piece(not your typical Videos From The Resistance video) using almost all "found footage" that really brings these consequences to life and is set to a soundtrack of emotional melodramatic gothic piano. Be warned it contains graphic images and might make you cry.
http://portland.indymedia.org/en/videos/#ThePriceOfConsumption ------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Documentary] GNN - Genetically Modified Food - Panacea Or Poison.avi 53min 402Mb: ed2k://|file|Genetically%20Modified%20Food%20-%20Panacea%20Or%20Poison.avi|423860224|CEE8FEF433D6761F6603765C819032D8|h=GANATD73XJNBP5C47QIBKM6VUH55AZ7O|/ As the global demand for food increases and modern technological breakthroughs give scientists the tools they need to create stronger, healthier crops, the predominance of genetically modified foods has sparked growing concern as to the potentially hazardous effects of playing with Mother Nature's perfection. As millions of health-conscious citizens around the world weigh the benefits of genetically modified foods against the blight of famine, the prospect of unwillingly taking part in a mass experiment in global nutrition has sparked outrage and anger. Now, viewers who wish to challenge the status quo can take in all the facts and make up their own minds about the manipulation of DNA and how it pertains to the foods they put into their bodies on a daily basis. ~ Jason Buchanan, All Movie Guide Watch Online: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-4257109745160540352 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sorry voor het spammen , kon mezelf ff niet inbedwang houden :) E-Mail: devkoo@hotmail.com | |