| Analyses fraude | AaM - 07.07.2006 19:50
Weggevallen posting, behorende bij de grafiek: In Mexico, 2.5 Million Missing Votes Reappear: López Obrador Reduces Calderón’s Official Margin to 0.6 percent
http://www.narconews.com/Issue42/article1962.html IFE’s Claim that 98.5 Percent of Votes Had Been Counted Was False: Authorities Now Oppose Recount By Al Giordano - Part I of a Special Series for The Narco News Bulletin - July 5, 2006 Overzicht NarcoNews Spaans met o.a. Marcos/EZLN over fraude (klik evt. Engels):
http://www.narconews.com/es.html ------------- Henk Ruyssenaars/FPF schreef: "In Mexico, 2.5 Million Missing Votes Reappear ... During the recount today Reuters and Bloomberg concede that Obrador has a 1.5% lead with 88% of the ballots recounted and the NY Times says that Obrador leads by 1.3% with 92% counted. ..." | Reuters: voorsprong Obrador + missing votes | AaM - 07.07.2006 18:48
Henk Ruyssenaars/FPF: "In Mexico, 2.5 Million Missing Votes Reappear ... During the recount today Reuters and Bloomberg concede that Obrador has a 1.5% lead with 88% of the ballots recounted and the NY Times says that Obrador leads by 1.3% with 92% counted. ..." (AaM: & om 4 uur 's nachts won toch nog Calderon...) --------- In Mexico, 2.5 Million Missing Votes Reappear: López Obrador Reduces Calderón’s Official Margin to 0.6 percent
http://www.narconews.com/Issue42/article1962.html IFE’s Claim that 98.5 Percent of Votes Had Been Counted Was False: Authorities Now Oppose Recount | |