| geld | knoet - 23.06.2007 11:37
Mijn ervaring is dat mensen die altijd jammeren over een paar euro entreegeld voor een concert of een film vaak wel een flink budget hebben voor hun dagelijkse bier- en wietconsumptie. Betaal toch gewoon een paar eurootjes, daar kunnen clubs als OT leuke dingen van blijven organiseren, het is echt niet zo dat er vanuit deze plekken woekerwinsten worden doorgesluisd naar Zwitserse bankrekeningen o.i.d. | Pijn | Steff - 22.06.2007 20:25
Personally this is one of the most obvious reasons why legalized squats are not so radical anymore and left the radical militant 'scene'. Because they're just busy, keeping the squat running, because they need to pay the rent! Look at the Poortgebouw in Rotterdam as an example and more legalized squats in Amsterdam as well. It's said, because those squats are made possible by the people who cannot effort to pay the entry fee. | pay to see me squat! | $$ - 22.06.2007 17:35
I find it quite strange that you have to pay 4 euros to see a no budget documentary about squatting. Like, hello? A no budget film. About squatting. 4 euros? Gimme a break. To me squatting and squatters' life is about helping each others, volunteer work and spending a lot of time on building communal projects without getting paid for it. It's about trying to live as far as possible without money. I think it's nice if people make documentaries about squatting, and especially nice it is when they do it with a low budget or no budget at all and publish it under creative commons ("creative commons attribution-noncommercial-sharealike 2.0") - it shows that they most probably share quite some ways of thinking with us and understand this way of living. But then someone else charges 4 euros for people to see the film? It makes me feel that they don't have all that much respect for the squatting community. That the film is shown on the evening of the eviction wave could almost be funny, or maybe some kind of postmodern irony, but to me it just seems to prove how far from the actual squatting scene and squatters mentality the people organizing this show have drifted. Kinda sad, dontcha think?
| geen commentaar | theja - 22.06.2007 21:48
Duh? Some people seem to never get it... So you don't want to pay 4 euro to use the movieroom of OT301? Well, wake up, it's a free country! Why don't you just stop whining , get yourself a copy of that movie, and go show it for free in some other place? I'm sue different other squats or ex-squats will be game for that. Stop complaining, start acting! And no, again, this is not a discussion forum, neither a place to put sad rants that try to create a gap between 'the squatting community' and 'the rest of the world' who try and find ways to cope with reality, like money for instance.
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