| copyleft II | anti-copyright - 06.07.2007 14:27
since copyleft is a reformist concept, brought up to explore new ways of social control(perhaps not consciously - but this might be the way that technology needed to explore to find its way out of a crisis). "As Stallman deemed it impractical in the short term to eliminate current copyright law and the wrongs he perceived it perpetuating, he decided to work within the framework of existing law; he created his own copyright license, the Emacs General Public License [3], the first copyleft license. This later evolved into the GNU General Public License (GPL), which is now one of the most popular Free Software licenses. For the first time a copyright holder had taken steps to ensure that the maximal number of rights be perpetually transferred to a program's users, no matter what subsequent revisions anyone made to the original program. This original GPL did not grant rights to the public at large, only those who had already received the program; but it was the best that could be done under existing law. The new license was not at this time given the copyleft label." from:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Copyleft Anti-copyright: Every picture, every word, every line, every sound, everything that you like is Yours. Do with it what You want and do not ask permission for anything. more anarchist critique: Venomous Butterfly Publications
http://www.omnipresence.mahost.org/wd-v2-n1-6.htm | woohoo | lianne - 06.07.2007 22:33
(i know this is probably ruispagina material but i still want to say 'woohoo!' - and that i ll help out with doing things as soon as im back in amsterdam. x) | copyleft | copyriot - 06.07.2007 13:39
why not copyriot as a name? | |