Indymedia NL
Vrij Media Centrum Nederland
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Are you shitting your pants or something? 
PizzaMan - 02.06.2010 14:22

Hey, I know you are cool and have great ideas but still you are making in this statement the view of "the good squatter" and "the bad squatters".

Did you came to this country because was legal to squat right?
And now is illegal and so what?
If you want to be a eco-working class hero than just do it, but don't wine about it.
Learn from the others, don't just complain and talk gossips about it, why most of amsterdam squatters are so gossipy? why the so called alternative cannot look a feet over they're nose? why people don't go a look at the situations from them selfs? why people in amsterdam especially don't get together to solve problems together instead of being intolerant brats? Is much better and easy to take care of your own projects and of people that can contribute to your project instead than being the change you want to be in the world(I'm talking generally)

Why didn't you tried to legalize your place into a social renting contract if you are such a hero?!?

(I still admire you and your family and your christian posters and many time I wish I could have your will power, but man...get real...we where always criminals and we will always be as long as the world run around a political gerarchical system instead of a community driven system, by the way check out

NN - 02.06.2010 14:09

Wat een derrie is dit zeg!
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