| Aanslag. | nn - 29.07.2010 00:15
De sekte van Revolutionairen en Griekenland is overal zijn dekmantels van de IS! | Reacties op bovenstaande aanvulling... | nn - 29.07.2010 13:33
10 Comments 1. Citizen Luke wrote: Who is this idiot that accuses Sokratis of being a collaborator because he had contacts with the police? Do you know many reporters that will avoid questioning police to get the info needed for their news story because some lowlife scum terrorist dares to accuse them as “collaborators”? Wednesday, July 21, 2010 at 5:00 am | Permalink 2. hmmm wrote: Why is this article here? What is the point of it? Wednesday, July 21, 2010 at 7:49 am | Permalink 3. Antifaa wrote: Resposta à HMMM: Maybe report the extent of violence is in Greece and, since all accuse the Anarchists of all ills, preempting us to report that this procedure does not coincide in any way with acts in defense of freedom and equality for which Anarchists fight. Anarchy is the struggle for life, not death. Moreover, his execution was really Godfather-style and as the journalist was about to publish an investigation into corruption… It’s a case to think about. Wednesday, July 21, 2010 at 11:11 am | Permalink 4. corruption? wrote: These so called ‘investigations into corruption’ were usually pure black-mailing of people. Need to say also that this blog was not a regular blog. It had the most hits in the greek internet, and claimed that was number one in the blogspot.com in the whole world. It was an easy way to manipulate social life, without being under the laws that control the mass media. Wednesday, July 21, 2010 at 11:47 am | Permalink 5. lady killer bee wrote: “investigative journalism”? there is no such thing in the whole fucking world. these scumbags write everything to pay their frat cars… did you read anything in the papers about 36 refugees murdered by greek coast guard last year? did you hear anything about 4 british and “american” special forces getting accussed for the arsons of the cretan synagogue? NOPE and if: this wouldn’t be investigative anyway because these “journalists” only need to copy it out of some blogs! are they lazy? nope, corrupt douchebags! KILL’EM ALL who needs news anyway? Wednesday, July 21, 2010 at 3:30 pm | Permalink 6. Greekfirst wrote: Who was Sokratis Giolias? Another victim of the anarchists-terrorists Wednesday, July 21, 2010 at 4:01 pm | Permalink 7. Babeouf wrote: I don’t know the fearless reporter from the reporter on the take. But now that his death can’t be used by the right-wing press it will likely fade into obscurity. The ‘Evil’ of the ‘Criminal’ is linearly related to the financial interests of the media owners during any social crisis. Space ceases to curve and the shortest distance between any two points is measured by units of economic interest. Always dangerous to get close to the police whatever aim you have. And the greater the corruption of the force the more dangerous it is likely to be. Wednesday, July 21, 2010 at 6:05 pm | Permalink 8. INCUBUS wrote: Seems to me that this “journo” was a typically ambitious bourgeois who courted police and fascist circles to advance his own social status -He did et arrested at one point because he was nosing around the international Siemens scandal which involved the corrupt political class in Greece and Germany…It would seem he stuck his nose in a bit too deep and was executed for his troubles (much like various journalists in Russia)… The reason it is of interest to OL, I suppose, is that the ‘blame’ for the crime is being levelled at the Revolutionary Sect…Yesterday the Financial Times in London covered this story…mentioning his involvement with counter-terrorism,(“Mr Giolias had written about counter-terrorism investigations in his blog. A western expert on Greek terrorism said: “It’s clear he had official sources who were involved in terrorist investigations … It’s possible he revealed information about this group in his blog that provoked the attack.” “) …but totally failed to mention the international Siemens connection. Where is the communique claiming the attack from the RS? and would it be worth a damn anyway, since it is not exactly that difficult to simulate any form of rhetoric or ideological position…or indeed an assassination… Wednesday, July 21, 2010 at 11:05 pm | Permalink 9. alison paton wrote: There has been no media on this killing in the US; I happened to just stumble upon it while on Wikipedia. Query: Why would a radical group that is anti-govt kill a reporter who is on the verge of publishing an expose of govt corruption? Simply doesn’t make sense, folks. Sounds like a classic CIA/FBI type maneuver: govt official(s) about to be exposed hire killers, then blame radical group and have imposter “representing” radical group take responsibility. Greece, the historic home of democracy, may be in far deeper trouble than just the economic situation . . . Saturday, July 24, 2010 at 7:12 pm | Permalink 10. TROUBLEMAKER wrote: Blah,Blah…Isn’t it about time that the anti-authoritarian movement started to organise towards some kind of united action to circumvent the insipid, arselicking, failed collabo-unions and hold a national anti-IMF austerity day of wildcat action and direct democracy in the Autumn. There are more cuts coming to Greece in 2011, isn’t it wise to get ahead of the curve and plan NOW for resistance? Think differently, act differently, pick up on what ‘ordinary’ un-politicised people are thinking and saying and tailor your propaganda to it instead of trying to persuade ‘the workers’ to accept your ideological precepts. Is Greece GREECE, or Ireland after all? Sunday, July 25, 2010 at 5:01 pm | Permalink 2 Trackbacks/Pingbacks 1. | GRECJA W OGNIU on Wednesday, July 21, 2010 at 1:07 pm [...] Źródło: occupiedlondon.org/blog [...] 2. Tweets that mention From the Greek Streets › #337 | Who was Sokratis Giolias? (or, what planet do international media correspondents in Athens live on?) -- Topsy.com on Wednesday, July 21, 2010 at 3:50 pm [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by H2SW and GotGreenKits.com, Claudia P. (אסתר) . Claudia P. (אסתר) said: Tabloid journalist assassinated outside his house in Athens with 16 bullet rounds: http://3tfo.sl.pt & http://3tft.sl.pt | #Antifa | #Greece [...]
| maf | nn & nn - 29.07.2010 16:54
merkwaardig gebeuren daar in Athene. of het betreft een verzameling losgeslagen marxistisch-leninistische idioten die geilen op het zaaien van dood en verderf, of het is het werk van een geheime politie-eenheid met als doel tweespalt te zaaien binnen anarchistische stromingen en de beweging in diskrediet willen brengen. wordt hier dan geen aandacht besteed op Indymedia Athene, wie leest Grieks of is voldoende ingevoerd om hier aan analyse van te maken? belangrijk zat! | |