| divers?! | ana-lyse - 28.06.2011 13:36
Of ze allemaal rijke ouder hebben, valt niet van buiten te zien (al blijf ik een donkerblond vermoeden houden) maar dat het allemaal nogal wit was, is gewoon een feit, daar was weinig 'divers' aan. | still pissed | nn - 28.06.2011 17:52
Gah! I'm from a culturally/sociologically middle class background but I am working class in terms of capitalist social relations and my current day to day existence. The point of contention isn't why the media focused on the violence. One reason could be that some of them were caught up in the crowd that was penned in and beaten, happening to be there, ever think of that? Or is that too simple an explanation. Journalists reporting what they see. The point of contention is that the response revealed a shitty, cynical attitude towards the vast majority of protestors and an even worse analysis. I don't see what migrant workers have to do with the legitimacy of a protest or not either. I work in the cultural sector, I'm a foreign immigrant and there's a lot more of us working here who find it difficult to get by as it is in the netherlands, these cuts don't make it any easier, let alone the threat of job loss. But I guess cause I'm white that makes me upperclass in the framework of your "ana-lyse". I was politically active back in the UK, where I'm from, but the attitudes of most "anarchists" as well as their complete lack of theory, analysis or praxis coupled with their dismissiveness towards a woman who dresses "normally" or stylishly and has a job means I'm not so actively involved in things here. So I get pissed off with attitudes towards protestors in this country as defending some white privilege, whereas in most other European countries anarchists are heavily involved in anti-cuts and anti-austerity protests and movements. Here, instead, anarchists are marked out by their absence! I can only put that down to attitude and lack of analysis, as exemplified by your post. Eitherway, it looks like a protest movement is developing and it'll pass them by. Their loss. | stop shouting, you idiot | whoever - 28.06.2011 14:34
This was just an answer to someone asking why it was that in this case media payed attention to police brutality, while it had happend so often without them doing it. Well the answer is that in this case it considered white upperclass kids, like it or not, stop insulting and shouting please, go ventilate your frustrations elswhere. | Do fuck off | nn - 28.06.2011 14:10
Brilliant, just fucking brilliant. The latent liberal white guilt and lack of an analysis that passes for a radical left in the netherlands rears it stupid ugly head yet again. Fuck me, do I go for the anarcho scene points and point out how anarchists, anti-capitalists and anti-authoritarians have thrown themselves into the struggle against cuts and austerity all over Europe and especially in the UK, Greece, France, Spain, etc. Or do I point out how it's all related, the cuts, and it's not just arts and culture but across a wide spectrum. Or do we actually go for the class analysis of capitalism and point out how these cuts are an attack on us all by the ruling class, an attack on our social wage (services, provisions, etc.) and an attempt to take back gains made through struggle. To quote the anarchist federation pamphlet from the million strong demonstration in the UK on March 26th "Everything we've won: they want it back". But no, fuck it, lets stick with the puerile and immature politics of the radical left dismissing everyone else as stupid and sold out, unable to relate or talk to anyone else outside of our little scene bubble. God forbid we might actually get organised and mobilise people to improve their lives, make gains through self activity, self organisation and direct action. To actually fight back against these cuts and the people whoe perpetuate them. Whether it's an ideological one or a simple matter of capitalism trying to preserve itself, this is class war from above and we need to defend ourselves and fight back. No, lets not do that, cause that might actually challenge our own precious self identities and put us outside of our own comfort zones. Grrrr! "rich and white", you live in the netherlands, get over it and start organising and maybe go talk to some of the people taking part in these marches and protests. Cause they're not rich. And also, go develop a fucking "ana-lyse" of capitalism that's based on economic position and social relationship rather than a stupid sciological one. Website: http://www.indymedia.nl/en/2011/03/74628.shtml | ok, ok | lisa Ana - 28.06.2011 17:15
Half of the english words this guy uses I can't understand but I'm sure your are from very working class background too, and ok I had not seen the many many migrant workers in the crowd, but again that was not the topic. because the topic was, for this one little thread, why suddenly media focused on police violence and weather you like it or not: that is the reason. And it doesn't say at all that I'm not involved and not soldiraic or whatever your friustrated mind fills in. Stop living in your bubble, get a life | Go and do one! | nn - 28.06.2011 16:06
Bollocks, it was your idiotic response to the longer response of 'er bij' that got me going. As well as being revealing of your shitty "ana-lyse" (opinion). Going from the particular to the general, great logic and analytical rigor there. Tarring with one brush an entire demonstration. Your reactionary response of rich parents that directly feeds into negative solidarity and the right wing media commentary on such protests, that coupled with your reference to whiteness/diversity, a usual liberal sop that misses the issues at hand also doesn't help matters much either. I hope people respond with such cynical derisory comments instead of solidarity in the face of state repression next time you get smacked over the head by a cop. Website: http://splinteringboneashes.blogspot.com/2010/01/negative-solidarity-and-post-fordist.html | anneliesje | huh? - 29.06.2011 09:06
Who says I'm an anarchist? Another sorry projection of this ranting englishmam (who is so pissed of about the stupid Dutch 'anarchists' that he (she) "is not so actively involved in things" well that comes out very handy. These artists by the way, far from what is being popood by the media, are far from the first (let alone the only) to have protested against budget cuts (as students, handicapped, postal workers and women in front of the stadhuis in Haarlem). And there's lots of 'anarchists' involved in those struggles too ( http://codezwart.vrijebond.nl/) | pas uw doel | white workingclass adult - 28.06.2011 16:32
http://www.indymedia.nl/nl/2011/06/76980.shtml Welke van de mensen in de foto's zijn "white upperclass kids"precies? Als ze de hogere klasse, zullen de bezuinigingen geen invloed op hen. Dus wat is het punt? Een beetje zelf-haat? De afwijzing van middenklasse waarden door middenklasse links radicalen? Het kan niet worden haat gericht tegen de heersende klasse. Dat zijn de mensen die verantwoordelijk zijn voor de bezuinigingen. Dus, waarom ben je regisseren zulke afkeer tegen die de strijd tegen de bezuinigingen? | aargh? | klaas ris - 29.06.2011 02:01
Please dont put all the anarchists in one bucket, or how would you say that. Actually many of us are engaged in many diferent struggles. So please, this is one person saying one opinion. Maybey you you shouldnt take it so serious.
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