| nn | nn - 15.07.2011 06:36
Perfect stuk. Mental denktanks (zie regering en politie apparaat) geven nu vorm aan de werkelijkheid. Luisteren en in de pas lopen van een beperkte tunnelvisie is het motto. Geen enkele power play duurt eeuwig, en zal in tijd altijd vallen. Instituties en religies etc zullen moeten vallen. Mensen zijn prima in staat zelf richting te kiezen,ipv het volgen van opgelegde dogma's en leugens van het huidige massa bewustzijn. Een prima statement in het artikel is, "The perspective, understanding and definition of life and existence must be reviewed and changed. New inspirations, desires and shapes will then arise from our liberated hearts". Bij eventuele confrontaties, lach ze ook keihard uit, face to face, en weet dat de realiteit veranderd is en zal veranderen. Lachen is nog steeds geen misdrijf, maar het laat ze wel huilen in hun harten, mocht dat aanwezig zijn. Whitney Houston - Greatest Love Of All
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=csVn5zYS3mw&feature=related Chorus: I decided long ago, never to walk in anyone's shadows If I fail, if I succeed At least I'll live as I believe No matter what they take from me They can't take away my dignity
| Whitney Houston | ABN - 15.07.2011 13:18
'Planetairy nationalism'? Whitney Houston? 'Mental denktanks'? Wtf?
| So-so | NN - 15.07.2011 01:28
But I like the following part very much; "now more than ever,anywhere, anytime, show the cops how you feel about them. The idea is to mentally terrorize the cops by personal intimidation (as in person to person, not anti-authoritarian to an authority figure) by staring, following, obstructing, talking/questioning - nothing worth being arrested/charged for but effective none the less. Let them get paranoid, let them realise we are everywhere and we want them to resign, let them realize that what they are doing is wrong. " The Dutch police have been in a vicious downward spiral of violence, repression and terror over the last few years. A "cold shoulder" campaign would be more than appropriate way (as I abhor violence) to convey to pigs that they are not wanted or liked by the majority of the population, both working and middle class, anarchist, radical left and increasing numbers of bourgeois/middle class democratic liberals in the Netherlands are starting to really have enough of police bullying, brutality and gross ineptness. For every RID, AIVD, state stooge reading this; this means you! | |