Waar: De Valreep, Polderweg 120, Amsterdam, Netherlands (GPS lat: 52.358214 lon: 4.934856)
Wanneer: 17/12/2011 - 19:59 t/m 17/12/2011 - 22:00
Kurdish-Turkish Relationship Infomeeting
Saturday 17/7 @ 7pm
Op de Valreep @ the end of Polderweg
An infoevening about the relationship between Turkish and Kurdish people historically and present, in Amsterdam and around the world. The night is for people to share their experiences and feelings. Those who have experience in the situation and those who do not are all welcome to give and learn. The meeting concludes with a plan for a peaceful manifestation on how to expose the information. Traditional food will be served and the meeting will be followed by a jam of traditional music.