Waar: Bits of Freedom Office, Bickersgracht 208, Amsterdam, Netherlands (GPS lat: 52.385784 lon: 4.888952)
Wanneer: 18/03/2013 - 19:00 t/m 18/03/2013 - 22:00
Techno-Activism Third Mondays (TA3M)[1] is an informal monthly meetup designed to connect technoactivists, hacktivists and people like you who
are interested in circumvention, anti-censorship and anti-surveillance tech.
TA3M happens already in New York, San Francisco and Berlin. As of this month Amsterdam joins the list!
There will be talks, a workshop on secure mobile communication and an open mic for you to present your projects or ideas.
- Simone Halink of Bits of Freedom (Dutch digital rights organization)[2]
- Nathan Freitas of the Guardian Project (The Guardian Project creates secure mobile apps)[3]
We invite a diverse crowd from different communities developing or using technology for change. We hope TA3M Amsterdam will become a useful platform for sharing knowledge, inspiration and get to know new people and projects. The TA3M in Amsterdam is organized by Greenhost[4] who, among other stuff, develops RePress[5], Project Gulliver[6] and SSHARK[7]. This first edition is kindly hosted at the Bits of Freedom space.
Join us and bring your friends!
Where: Bits of Freedom office - Bickersgracht 208, 1013 LH Amsterdam
When: Monday 18-3-2013 - 19:00
Free entrance & Drinks for donations.
[1] http://wiki.openitp.org/events:techno-activism_3rd_mondays
[2] https://www.bof.nl/
[3] https://guardianproject.info/
[4] https://greenhost.nl/
[5] http://all4xs.net
[6] http://projectgulliver.net
[7] http://sshark.org
Confirmed program:
- Simone Halink of Bits of Freedom[2] will talk about @bitsoffreedom 's fight against governments proposal to hack foreign computers and @bitsoffreedom's campaign for more transparency of government data requests with online services.
- Nathan Freitas of the Guardian Project[3] gives a talk on secure chat (OTR) via Gibberbot and secure calling (ZRTP) via OStel
- 5 Minutes MateCryptoCrate
Before, between and after the official talks the MateCryptoCrate is open for you to present your ideas, theories and projects. Use an empty bottle and a spoon (will be provided) to ask for attention.
- Workshop with Nathan Freitas
Hands-on workshop on securing your devices. Bombard Nathan with your questions, install the apps and exchange your signatures.