Will Britain's Royal Family Prince Charles Become a William Wilberforce Style Abolitionist 4 World's Porn Enslaved www Children ?

Ruis, gepost door: Hillary's Agenda* op 28/10/2013 10:03:18

We are in the Inter+National pursuit of a very special World Figure,who has an interest in leading us to help bring about the needed protective change for God's little children who are continually being inflicted with hardcore Adult www Porn !

Hillary's Agenda*
Have elite financed Think Tanks created Hillary Clinton's 2016 Presidential political election Agenda? .....We do not work for the Have$,only blog about them !

Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 12m
@YouTube~Will it be Gods Amazing Grace if Britain"s Royal Family Prince Charles joined our Anti~www Adult Porn 4 kids Abolitionist Movement?
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Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 30m
Britain's Prince Charles sent us the movie "Amazing Grace",says he also is Anti www Porn for Kids
: http://youtu.be/Q6Cv5P9H9qU via @youtube
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Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 1h
Who would believe others could actually do Whale Research without slaughtering Whales like Japan does... http://on.natgeo.com/1gTWeDo via @NatGeo
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Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 1h
@HILLARYSAGENDA~The only condition listed with this generous offer was if we do decide to move abroad,we have to take Anthony Weiner with us
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Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 1h
Anonymous billionaire sent us this video & offered to buy us our choice of domicile in any location in the World http://aol.it/1hlLrj1
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Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 3h
Billionaires’ Row & Welfare Lines are now America's new reality,& no middle ground other than kicking some 2 the curb
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Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 3h
JFK's vision for mental health Care in America was ahead of it's time !
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Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 3h
Don Campbell asks> How to end insanity in Washington? Don,why not future public financed election$ http://www.delmarvanow.com/article/20131024/OPINION/310240055 … via @MyDelmarvaNow
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Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 4h
We respect U.S.Religious leaders protecting our 17 million hungry American kids praying nightly 4 food http://usat.ly/1gDrZAd via @usatoday
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Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 4h
We appreciate all religious leaders who defend our American poor,even if they wore Hoodies into our U.S. Congress
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Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 11h
CA Governor Arnold The Prison Terminator had Hidden camera's & listening devices in his prison isolation?
http://reason.com/archives/2013/10/25/government-snooping-goes-hi-tech … via @reason
Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 11h
Texas Mother 'Ecstatic' About Posthumous Pardon for Wrongfully Convicted Son http://nyti.ms/1ahKWFj
Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 11h
Being poor & accused of a crime in America does not mean one is always guilty,or lives to be free..http://articles.sun-sentinel.com/2013-07-21/news/fl-frank-lee-smith-dna-settled-20130721_1_virginia-smith-civil-lawsuit-scheff-and-amabile … via @ArchiveDigger
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Independent Passion* ‏@2016Independent 26 Oct
Elite owned Think Tanks need 2 inform elite owned www,violent gaming video$ might suspect #1
http://townhall.com/political-cartoons/KenCatalino/2013/10/26/113146 … via @townhallcom
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Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 12h
Twitter able to censor tweets in individual countries http://gu.com/p/353tz/tw via @guardian
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Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 12h
@guardian~We ask all our Twitter followers to please say a prayer 4 big$ from international Twitter IPO investors,so we can be seen in Japan
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Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 12h
@guardian~We got Email from Twitter$ Biz Stone,he told us if Twitter's IPO$ comes in at $11~15 billion,they will open up Japan to our blog
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The Carter Center ‏@CarterCenter 25 Oct
Every Friday, we ask the same question: Do you #followpeace?
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Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 23h
Twitter cracking down on child porn via Microsoft PhotoDNA tech,but www kids are supplied hardcore porn ?
http://vrge.co/12bhEF4 via @verge
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Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 23h
We bet if this Saudis billionaire ran Twitter,no child would need Twitter Adult www Porn protection http://patdollard.com/2013/09/saudi-billionaire-prince-to-hold-twitter-s... … via @patdollard
Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 23h
Billionaire Corp owned www expects parents to police their elite owned Network$ 4 Harmful Adult Porn as well ?
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opednews ‏@opednews 26 Oct
Billionaires Are Dangerous to Humanity, Dangerous to the Earth http://bit.ly/1dcgURU
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Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 26 Oct
Rob Kall - Public Banking 2013: Funding the New Economy, June 2nd 2013: http://youtu.be/7pLXw6Q8vHw via @youtube
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Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 26 Oct
We again alert readers & followers that our Political www Twitter blog is just one of the many that are being censored Inter+Nationally!
Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 26 Oct
Twitter able to censor tweets in individual countries http://gu.com/p/353tz/tw via @guardian
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Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 26 Oct
USA billionaire owners of www Corps are not polluting kids minds with www Adult Porn for monetary reasons,are they ?
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Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 26 Oct
@HILLARYSAGENDA~3+billion adults do not want World's children viewing www Adult Porn & 20+Billionaires continue inflicting harm on them all?
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Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 26 Oct
@HILLARYSAGENDA~As we all know,there is not 1 Religion or Religious leader in the World condoning Hardcore Adult www Porn, & seen by kids ?
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Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 26 Oct
@HILLARYSAGENDA~Important Horror World's Religions all have 2 unite on ending>Billionaire Infidels supplying Inter+National www Porn 2 kids
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Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 26 Oct
We alert all our USA Twitter followers to this out>poring of new Middle~East followers interested in protecting www kids from Adult Porn..
The Guardian ‏@guardian 26 Oct
'When we deny our own vulnerability, we cope by being cruel to others' http://gu.com/p/3jpad/tw via @commentisfree
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Aristotle ‏@AristotleQuots 23 Oct
Happiness, then, is found to be something perfect and self-sufficient, being the end to which our actions are directed.
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Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 26 Oct
@2016Independent @townhallcom~"However,we all know it is not legal 4 little kids 2 send their naked pictures 2 Anthony Weiner's Fan club ! "
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Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 26 Oct
@2016Independent @townhallcom~Eric Holder is quoted"Currently it is legal 4 Anthony Weiner's Nude Fan Club 2 send his www naked pictures out
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Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 26 Oct
@2016Independent @townhallcom~November People Magazine ends their Anthony Weiner www sex interview with Attorney General Eric Holder....
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Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 26 Oct
@2016Independent @townhallcom~"All NYC voters need 2 support me & my Anthony Weiner fan club> We think of the needs of all children first"
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Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 26 Oct
@2016Independent @townhallcom~"I do not receive kids color nude pictures of themselves sent 2 my fan club,so parents see everything is legal
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Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 26 Oct
@2016Independent @townhallcom~"When computer kids join my www fan club,they receive my autographed www color nude pictures with me smiling"
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Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 26 Oct
@2016Independent @townhallcom~"There are many lonely,bored & overpaid USA politicos like myself that need sexual relations without disease"
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Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 26 Oct
@2016Independent @townhallcom~Anthony Weiner told a NYC audience Friday he invented a www sex genre,that parents do not have 2 worry about ?
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Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 26 Oct
@2016Independent @townhallcom~If you said Anthony Weiner your correct.People Magazine November Cover features Anthony Weiner talking www sex
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Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 26 Oct
Who's recent quote? "Most all Adults agree,little children worldwide with computer phones should not be exposed to the Hardcore www Porn"
Trevor Potter ‏@thetrevorpotter 21 Oct
Washington's open secret: Profitable PACs http://cbsn.ws/1a2tHYy via Steve Kroft of @60Minutes
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Independent Passion* ‏@2016Independent 21 Oct
@Reuters~U.S. Seantor Mitch McConnell concern with Inter+National Corp free speech is Super PAC$ Greed http://youtu.be/hoI2yQFnfK8 via @youtube
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Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 26 Oct
People Magazine: Video features new "NSA flea" listening devices on these costumed felines in time for Halloween
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Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 26 Oct
Hearing Bill Clinton Speak Is, by Itself, Worth Going Out of One's Way For: http://www.bluevirginia.us/diary/10492/hearing-clinton-speak-is-by-itsel...
Joan Barrun ‏@djj123hana 24 Oct
“We all live with the objective of being happy; our lives are all different and yet the same.” ― Anne Frank
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Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 25 Oct
Appears Anonymous members have better chance protecting Obama Heath~care www site from 35 countries hackers>then NSA*
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Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 25 Oct
@NYDailyNews~America's Uncle Sam can somehow afford sending
$50 billion 2 fight AIDS internationally,& not afford our poor,judicial justice
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Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 25 Oct
@NYDailyNews~None of us know if Michael Skakel is guilty of murder,but we all know if he was not from $,he would not be having a new trial
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New York Daily News ‏@NYDailyNews 23 Oct
BREAKING: Kennedy cousin Michael Skakel granted retrial for 1975 murder of Martha Moxley. http://nydn.us/16tYdtk
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Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 25 Oct
The question 2 ask Microsoft's new CEO>IS your Japanese School Bus equipped with Bing's Adult www Porn
http://jeyfiles.blogspot.com/2011/03/japanese-microsoft-school-bus.html … via @jeyfiles
Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 25 Oct
@BostonDotCom~We believe,Japan will be continually shaken until they begin to respect God's Whales & Dolphins that he has given to the World
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Boston.com ‏@BostonDotCom 25 Oct
STORY: 7.3-magnitude quake hits Japan, tsunami warning declared http://bo.st/169c71F
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Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 25 Oct
http://fxn.ws/1fZB3y9 ~ TMZ report says NATO Troops are now being summoned 2 keep Peace & Order with 35 of America's former Allies ..
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Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 25 Oct
According to NSA,"this FCC new rule change,has 0 interest for future investment in USA media from Germany or Brazil" http://nyti.ms/1dsSvdB
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Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 25 Oct
Criminalizing Mental Illness: Jails, Hospitals, or On the Street? http://wp.me/p6sYP-gGZ via @michaelspindell
Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 25 Oct
TMZ Reports NSA "We have taped calls of Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel hiring 2 hack health site
http://reut.rs/18dgPIl via @reuters
Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 25 Oct
@WSJ~Maybe after asking the ACLU why various U.S. mentally ill are now being housed in CA jails & prisons,you might have a balanced report..
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Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 25 Oct
@WSJ~American reporters really want 2 investigate crime & the mentally ill,they should begin back when the ill were thrown in2 USA $treets ?
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Wall Street Journal ‏@WSJ 25 Oct
Our reporters have been investigating the relationship between mental illness and crime. Stories and graphics: http://on.wsj.com/19AGOxc
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Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 25 Oct
We again alert readers & followers that our Political www Twitter blog is one of the may that are being censored Inter+Nationally!
Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 25 Oct
Twitter able to censor tweets in individual countries http://gu.com/p/353tz/tw via @guardian
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susan waruingi ‏@susanwaruingi 24 Oct
@Jason_Alabama How easy is dodging the tax man's hand and the guilt of embezzling cash meant to help the needy?
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Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 25 Oct
@ABC~Our clothed contacts at CAP have always said Anthony Weiner is going 2 be the future "Poster Child" 4 the www Anti~Porn4kids movement
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Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 25 Oct
Hillary Clinton Lauds Progressive Think Tank, Denounces 'Evidence-Free' Policy Debates in DC - ABC News http://abcn.ws/1blTwzh (via @ABC)
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Joyce Meyer ‏@JoyceMeyer 24 Oct
Life can be easy when you depend on God & His leading. Pray for God to lead you where He wants you to be-even if that means embracing change
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Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 25 Oct
@politico~Bill Clinton just sent us Email says he is helping Hillary with oration skills &"she is working on saying "Your fired Anthony" ..
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Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 25 Oct
Pleased seeing Hillary Clinton fine>tuning her public speaking skills for her future 2016 presidential http://www.politico.com/story/2013/10/hillary-clinton-center-for-america... … via @POLITICO
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Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 25 Oct
America allows Anthony Weiner's 2 send all our children their Adult www porn pictures,but arrest only adults viewing pictures of naked kids?
Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 25 Oct
@HILLARYSAGENDA~Monday a Fl Senior lady was arrested by U.S. G~men 4 downloading naked pictures of a child,who turned out 2be Anthony Weiner
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Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 25 Oct
WSJ report>Anthony Weiner today alerted NYC kids using their computer phones not 2 look at his www nude pictures,unless your parents approve
Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 24 Oct
It should be much more obvious to our elite owned & operated American Think Tanks,that real family values are respected in the Middle East !
Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 24 Oct
MP Joy Smith wants Canada to adopt UK’s anti-online porn rules. Should we? | iPolitics http://www.ipolitics.ca/2013/07/24/mp-joy-smith-wants-canada-to-adopt-uk...
Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 24 Oct
Seattle libraries to porn watchers: Come on in http://wp.me/pKuKY-nho via @DrEowyn
Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 24 Oct
Online porn block proposals by Government panned | IT PRO http://www.itpro.co.uk/government-it-strategy/20241/online-porn-block-pr... … via @AddThis
Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 24 Oct
Banks to block foreign websites in UK anti-porn Internet crusade | http://SynergyMX.com http://www.synergymx.com/post/2013/09/20/banks-to-block-foreign-websites...
Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 24 Oct
Is Child Pornography a Serious Matter? http://nobullying.com/is-child-pornography-a-serious-matter/
The Quote Today ‏@TheQuoteToday 21 Oct
We are like islands in the sea, separate on the surface but connected in the deep. William James (1842-1910) #TQT
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Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 24 Oct
The continued USA Hardcore www Porn being supplied 2 the Inter+National communities children,appears 2 be a battle 4 the world's religions*
Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 24 Oct
We just got NSA clearance to be able to re>follow all our Middle East followers who have decided to brave the elite$ www Porn Network Storm<
Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 24 Oct
@HILLARYSAGENDA~We are all well aware www Porn Industry will obviously go 2 any length 2keep their Joe Camel porn campaign going worldwide
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Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 24 Oct
We alert our Inter+National Twitter followers that others censorsing us are un>following & blocking our various followers in our name <
Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 24 Oct
@HILLARYSAGENDA~This continued effort in bribing folk$ around the world to just look the other way while this horror continues is demonic !
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Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 24 Oct
@HILLARYSAGENDA~Most all adults in the world agree that little children with computer phones should not be exposed to the hardcore www porn
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Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 24 Oct
@HILLARYSAGENDA~We have suggested protecting children from being able to view www Adult Porn by only allowing credit card users free peeks<
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Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 24 Oct
@HILLARYSAGENDA~This elite owned & operated www Porn issue, is really a United Nations matter that needs to be dealt with Internationally*
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Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 24 Oct
@HILLARYSAGENDA~We will do our best to re>follow every1 from the Middle East who are showing support in our effort to end this Porn Horror<
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Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 24 Oct
We see a huge amount of new Middle East Twitter followers,that are upset with elite$ forcing Adult hardcore www Porn in2 their societies !
Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 24 Oct
We feel honored being censored in various www locales in the Twitter World by a Company valued Around $11 Billion http://n.pr/1af4oi3
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Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 24 Oct
We believe cartoons like this 1 will also depict elite owned www Porn being forced in2 Middle East
http://townhall.com/political-cartoons/MichaelRamirez/2013/10/24/113104 … via @townhallcom
Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 24 Oct
You have to admit,cartoonist Henry Payne really does have his ear to the ground 4 political humor
http://townhall.com/political-cartoons/HenryPayne/2013/10/24/113090 … via @townhallcom
Victoria Osteen ‏@VictoriaOsteen 23 Oct
God can take something that is ordinary, breathe on it and turn it into something that’s extraordinary.
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Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 24 Oct
Godly overwhelming Middle East Twitter followers supporting a future free of Adult Hardcore www Porn being supplied to Inter+National kids !
Anonymous ‏@omgugel 1 Sep 11
Boleh jujur? http://twitpic.com/6er8lo
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Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 24 Oct
@omgugel~We have to also applaud our various Anonymous folks Inter+Nationally for policing the Big$ elites owned & operated censored www !
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Townhall.com ‏@townhallcom 24 Oct
UN Torture Investigator Requests Visit to California Prisons http://bit.ly/1c0GlVt
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Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 24 Oct
@townhallcom~After hearing about unexpected UN torture investigator visiting Arnold the CA prison Terminators prisons,Arnold left 4 Europe
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Mother Rose ‏@MotherRose1 24 Oct
Bless all who pray for others.Bless especially those who are in need and a miracle for those who don't know God,that they believe! #Jesus
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Talking Points Memo ‏@TPM 24 Oct
Gun Owners of America endorses Matt Bevin: http://bit.ly/1adwmec
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Bluegrass Politics ‏@BGPolitics 18 Oct
The Senate Conservatives Fund endorsed Matt Bevin for U.S. Senate in Kentucky GOP primary on Friday. Press release: http://www.senateconservatives.com/site/post/2325/scf-endorses-matt-bevi...
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Women Patriots ‏@WomenPatriots 21 Oct
Senate Conservatives Fund Endorses Matt Bevin for U.S. Senate - Matt Bevin for Senate https://mattbevin.com/2013/10/senate-conservatives-fund-endorses-matt-be...
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Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 24 Oct
U.S. Senator Mitch McConnell should retire & stop putting salt in little American voters wounds who are mislead thinking U care about them !
Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 24 Oct
Colbert's super PAC counselor - 60 Minutes - CBS News http://www.cbsnews.com/video/watch/?id=50157526n … …
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Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 24 Oct
@HILLARYSAGENDA~ Colbert's super PAC counselor - 60 Minutes - CBS News http://www.cbsnews.com/video/watch/?id=50157526n … …
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Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 24 Oct
Washington's open secret: Profitable PACs - 60 Minutes - CBS News http://www.cbsnews.com/video/watch/?id=50157523n
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Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 24 Oct
America's Tea Party now knows U.S. Senator Mitch McConnell's fight 4 Corp$ Free Speech,was only motivated by greed$$
Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 24 Oct
We support Matt Bevin 2 retire greed driven U.S.Senator Mitch McConnell
Yahoo Finance http://finance.yahoo.com/news/meet-matt-bevin-kentucky-tea-151955470.html … via @YahooFinance
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Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 24 Oct
Mitch McConnell Will Ask Supreme Court To Scrap Campaign Contribution Limits Entirely http://huff.to/15KWzDp via @HuffPostPol
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Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 24 Oct
Mitch McConnell On IRS Scandal: 'I Don't Think We Know What The Facts Are' http://huff.to/17PLmAZ via @HuffPostPol
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Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 24 Oct
@HILLARYSAGENDA~When Senator Mitch McConnell cried out months ago against the IRS,he knew his political filings & returns never added up*
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Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 24 Oct
@HILLARYSAGENDA~Anyone with any sense knows the Democrats have used Mitch Mc Connell insted of prosecuting him 4 years of taking political$
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Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 24 Oct
U.S. Seantor Mitch McConnell has corrupted our USA elective process for his own self greed in collecting millions in Inter+National Corp$ !
Michelle Olsen ‏@AppellateDaily 21 Oct
Washington's open secret: Profitable PACs with @TheTrevorPotter, http://cbsn.ws/1a2tHYy (@60Minutes video) via @CampaignLegal
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Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 24 Oct
@guardian~Now the American public is hearing the real reason U.S. Senator Mitch McConnell cared about fighting for Corp$ free speech so much
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Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 24 Oct
@guardian~U.S.Senator Mitch McConnell fought to get elite Corp$ unlimited Free Speech in "Citizens United" & these Corp$ censor www speech?
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Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 24 Oct
Twitter able to censor tweets in individual countries http://gu.com/p/353tz/tw via @guardian
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Peter Guirguis ‏@petenaotg 24 Oct
Why It’s OK to Throw Stones if You’re Targeting Wolves by Rick Henderson http://bit.ly/16pOaFF
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Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 24 Oct
@guardian~Imagine the tremendous political payoff$ happening by the www Porn industry to be allowed to Joe Camel the www Children with Porn*
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Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 24 Oct
@guardian~We are still waiting 4 Secretary of State John Kerry to tell Twitter to re>open Japan Twitter to our Hillary's Agenda blog again*
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Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 24 Oct
@guardian~International Community really owes a Thank You to this Guardian Publication for being straight about Twitter Censoring speech.
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Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 24 Oct
@HILLARYSAGENDA~We all understand well,there is not 1 World Religion or Religious Leader condoning Hardcore Adult www Porn shown 2 kids*
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Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 24 Oct
We assume all of our Twitter followers understand,we accept all your opinions on adding various Religious Leaders to our followers lists !
Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 24 Oct
@HILLARYSAGENDA~We ask our American Tea Party to please show USA families avid political support to rid www of this 666 attack
on our kids<
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Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 24 Oct
@HILLARYSAGENDA~They put on quite a show developing new
technology to catch www adults downloading or uploading
pictures of www naked kids<
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Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 24 Oct
@HILLARYSAGENDA~These elite www billionaire owners seem to feel it's sex education showing our International Children Hardcore
Adult Porn
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Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 24 Oct
We again thank all of our new Middle East Twitter followers 4 your support in exposing our USA elite www owners to respect the world's kids
Jen Robinson ‏@suigenerisjen 24 Oct
This is *amazing*: Angela Merkel demands answers from Barack Obama as Germany says US may have tapped her phone http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/angela-merkel-demands-ans...
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Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 24 Oct
@suigenerisjen~Germany can not get this Phone Tap info right !
NSA allowing Anthony Weiner a little phone fun evenings, is not criminal !
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Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 23 Oct
@HILLARYSAGENDA~Future generations of Americans could never forget our USA Tea Party fighting 2 save U.S. families kids from Adult www Porn
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Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 23 Oct
@HILLARYSAGENDA~Same sex marriage=Democratic policy issue,why not make ridding www of hardcore Adult Porn a Republican Tea party issue?
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Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 23 Oct
@HILLARYSAGENDA~Can not imagine 1 U.S. Tea Party Congressional representative,who could support www Adult Porn being sent 2 American kids?
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Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 23 Oct
@HILLARYSAGENDA~The question we just posed to the USA Tea Party took many seconds to pass censorship folks,so we must have hit a nerve <
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Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 23 Oct
Why does American Tea Party not have political U.S. Congressional representatives Fighting against www Porn being supplied to USA Kids ?
Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 23 Oct
Apparently Twitters use of www censorship has not stopped USA banks from supporting their interest$ @guardian~http://on.wsj.heircom/17o8pyj
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Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 23 Oct
@guardian~We know months prior the recent Big$ Japanese trade agreement taking place,Hillary's Agenda was still being seen & read in Japan <
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Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 23 Oct
@guardian~It has gotten so bad that Secretary of State John Kerry has requested "please stop tweeting late night & early into the mornings"
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Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 23 Oct
We marvel Twitter censoring our www political tweets in individual countries pretending free speech http://gu.com/p/353tz/tw via @guardian
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Nadine Johnston ‏@nadine1939 23 Oct
@GrandCanyonPics- People come and go. But life is simply about seeing who cares enough to stay.
Retweeted by Hillary's Agenda*
Hillary's Agenda* ‏@HILLARYSAGENDA 23 Oct
@CSLewisDaily~We also agree the world's needy can no longer be financed on the backs of USA poor who are being treated as 3rd world citizens
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