Wanneer: 18/10/2017 - 13:04
Het halfjaarlijkse klimaatweekend komt er aan! Thema dit keer is Climate Justice en er staan veel interessante workshops en discussies op het programma. Zondag komt er een delegatie van 30 inheemse personen, de Guardians of the Forest, naar het klimaatweekend. Hun boodschap: "We, the indigenous people and local communities, are the guardians of the forest and we come to COP23 to tell our stories of hope and struggle." Lees hieronder meer.
When? 27-29th of Oct.
Where? Baarn.
What does it cost? Up to you!
See the full invite on the FB event here: https://www.facebook.com/events/491927414495184/
You can register through this link: http://bit.ly/2xNmj4s
The food will be organic, vegan and cooked by Le Sabot.
Invite your friends
Do you know friends/family/fellow activists who should be here too? Please forward this invitation to them.