Waar: Malieveld, Den Haag, Netherlands
Wanneer: 14/07/2020 - 12:30 t/m 14/07/2020 - 15:30
Solidarity with the Sudanese refugees. More then 100 Sudanese living in the Netherlands with a refugee status, received a letter from the IND stating that they will go through their cases again.
They want to check who could be send back to Sudan as the IND considers Sudan safe. If these people are really going to be deported, they most likely face persecution by return to the war-affected areas. Also, these people will likely be subjected to torture and other cruel, Inhumane, or degrading treatment. They shouldn't be deported. Sudan is far from safe yet. We need the IND to realize this! We also come together to show our solidarity with the people of Nirtity, on the Marah mountain in the west of Sudan.
Dinsdag 14 juli
Van 12:30 tot 15:30 uur
Malieveld, Den Haag
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