Wanneer: 26/02/2022 - 16:55
A little impression of how thw anti repression demonstration against evictions was perceived.
The demonstration began at leidsenplein, we were accompanied with around 50-70 people. Which was less than we’d expect this big topic would bring, nevertheless the energy was strong and there was a feeling of trust among each other. The soundsystem was blasting rebellious tunes accompanied by rhythms of resistance during the whole march.
Police did not anticipate or react violent to the demonstration, their forces we’re limited to around 10 cops during the whole march. The march directed us through marnixstraat, passing the evicted hotel mokum squat, which was protected by a cop van during the march and was trying to following us afterwards. Demonstrators reacted by blocking the streets with a variety of objects, like bins and fences, to prevent the police from following us.
The march walked on into the city centers small streets and canals with the endpoint being the dam square. Police at this point could not drive further and decided to walk behind the demonstration, knowingly they were outnumbered they did not show any violence and were just looking. The participants could disperse and the police acted baffled.
Overall the goal of the demonstration was to react to state repression, this was shown with a strong and powerful black block and we got a taste of what revolt could be.