How to function in times of war

Opinie, gepost door: Anonymous until decided otherwise op 09/02/2025 02:06:47

How to navigate this contemporary anarcho-liberalist landscape - not just to survive, but to prosper.

Bursts of anger whip through my thoughts, making it impossible to think. People around Gaza are made victims of war, we crossed the tipping point of climate change (as reported by the IPCC) and meanwhile populist leaders continue to win the hearts of the masses. One of those three events occurs daily, increasing at a parabolic rate—at least, that is what the news suggests. But behind these veils of uncertainty, that fear-inducing, constant change that dominates your thoughts— a power grab has occurred. This, in turn, will thicken the veil into a wall of overwhelming information. Let’s use this situation to our benefit.

A few factors have come together that have one common goal: gather as much wealth and power as I can. Those are: billionaire entrepreneurs, populist leaders, but also AI as Harari wrote (Nexus, 2024). Information is the most valuable commodity and centralization the most effective tool for reaching these goals. If you share this goal you want your friends to be in that circle. But you do everything you can to let your enemies scatter themselves in the larger space surrounding it.

A practical example of this is a Trump rally where he destroys trans people’s rights and wants to build hotels in Gaza. People who agree or are ‘rallied’ are thrilled by the experience and come together in simple emotion, but people who disagree start to worry, or also simply fear. Like the people from Gaza who ask themselves: “will I be displaced again?” But Europeans or Americans who voted against these populists can only see that devastation and are still in the illusion that there was (is) respect for the democratic system. And thus they are paralyzed. You are overwhelmed while the people in power can quickly push through an unthinkably extreme agenda. And it doesn’t make it easier that you learned to question everything as a free thinker when you’re in that outer circle.

If you feel overwhelmed by or completely oblivious to these things that are happening it means it worked. So it’s time to get back to baseline, that is: in the here and now. To navigate this contemporary flux, first you have to stop. Do nothing and observe the chaos. If you can’t accept it, choose a direction, deal with the consequences step by step, and keep re-evaluating your choices. If you can accept the chaos: breathe through it, give it time and see what options appear as diamonds, stars form out of those clouds of dispersed elements of the structure of an inclusive society. And then choose to go there until chaos hits again.

Also do not deprive yourself of the possibilities this new society gives you. I’ve shot myself in the foot until I was about 33 years old by denying the whole monetary system and the stock market as a viable option for my own benefit. I had feelings about that. It meant that the populists, the market capitalists could grow their net worth while I was subject to the inflation that creates. All because I thought it was honorable to do good work for good pay. I like asphalt and cars even less, but I also use roads. The best thing about the free stock- or crypto market is that you can also take money away from destructive industries. Remember what happened to gamestock? That could also happen with an activist goal instead of a financial goal.

When you learn how to trade, it becomes clear that much of it is driven by hype and emotion. This is similar to the way populist leaders create emotional impulses to sway public opinion. If you feel strongly about something, be aware that this might be the reason. And while you’re out there protesting politicians and powerful entrepreneurs can take another tiny piece of what you own. Never stop protesting, stay visible, but be aware that the digital space demands more constructive action to be able to keep up with the team that’s ahead of the rest. Which, sadly, now is the imperialist, capitalist self-centered order.

The extreme ideology that ‘ownership is theft’ ultimately undermines itself. Because without ownership for the masses it will concentrate. Like how no one owns their Facebook page or pays for it, but Facebook is probably the single most powerful media channel of the world. It can manipulate you into buying something, but also into believing fake stories written by AI. Maybe you realize already, but do you see how Facebook and Google AI might already be ruling us?

Its algorithms were already capable of predicting your thoughts to an extent. Now those algo’s are given intelligence. A true AI designed to manipulate you into engaging with the platform as much as possible. Never have people had so much power, money, and resources but it all seems to go into exactly that what artificial intelligence needs. Just as humans need water and air, AI breathes electricity, eats computing power, and drinks information.

So realize when you’re in and out of your strength. Are you acting out of your own free will or are you actually only addicted to: scrolling, strong opinionated emotions and/or feel completely lost? In any case take care of your health. Keep body and mind fit and strong so if you get sick you have the strength to not become dependent on only the medical system. It’s a way to keep control over yourself, no one can do it for you anyway. Also train the mind so you learn how not to panic and give that control away for too long when you get overwhelmed. When disaster strikes you will be equipped better to think before you act.

So are the anarcho-capitalists winning? The term used by Quinn Slobodian (2025) and others gives Anarchists a bad rep. Achieving true anarchy requires people to work collectively for each other’s freedom. That means anarcho-capitalists are just capitalists. Trying to gather as much as possible for yourself is the opposite of anarchy. If you start an AI with the goal of helping everyone to reach their full potential, that could be anarchist. And teaching yourself to utilize the power of AI or how to run it locally as personal support would empower you. Using a free program that collects and transmits your personal data to a centralized authority can lead to manipulation rather than empowerment. Instead try to see the tiny capitalist or anarchist in yourself, because nobody is 100% something.

Maybe we can hold on to the philosophy that extremes naturally neutralize themselves as resources become scarce. Maybe we can get over our own illusions and stop believing that sides like left and right exist. Maybe we’ve already crossed the threshold into an era of unstoppable AI growth where the rule of the Robot has dawned. We live in the age of Akira now. So it’s important to keep coming together to think differently and to keep listening to all and everyone around us, especially those we do not agree with. With love


Tags: AI Anarchy manipulation

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