Waar: Amsterdam, Netherlands
Wanneer: 24/02/2025 - 14:13
Keizersgracht 318 is no more..
On the 15th of february, 2025, after almost 5 years of occupation, we had to say goodbye to our house in the center of Amsterdam on the Keizersgracht 318
After being let to rot by the owner for years, in 2020 some squaters decided to open up the house. in the years that followed, it turned into something amazing.
In the heart of the city where capitalism reigns, keizersgracht was a place where we could truly express ourselves and be free from the chains that keep many other social spaces in bounds. Now, keizersgracht will only exist in our memories.
A big shoutout to all the people over the years that made this possible, it was a beautifull experience!
Except for the drunk white rich fraternity boys, aka the Litterarisch Dispuut gezelschap B.E.E.T.S. occupying no 323, that would try to break our door down too drunk to find their own way home and the landlord of 316 who came to our court case to gloat, after having signed a letter complaining we were lowering the value of the property. The feelings are mutual, without doubt the neighborhood would be better off without yet another bloodthirsty landlord considering profits over people. Fuck gentrification!
We will continue to create, develop, and express, stay tuned!
Idealen ontruim je niet, kraken gaat door!
[020] Pand gekraakt
Sinds donderdag is er een pand gekraakt in Amsterdam op de Keizersgracht nummer 318. Deze zondag middag hebben de krakers hun aanwezigheid kenbaar gemaakt.
Die yuppie scum!!