Wanneer: 21/06/2012 - 12:10
Meer dan 56000 individuen en tal van organisaties tekenden de petitie "No to abortion ban" betreft het mogelijk op handen zijnde abortusverbod in Turkije.
De organisatie wil graag dat mensen onderstaande email sturen naar Erdogan en 2 ministers om het statement "NO to abortion ban"nogmaals krachtig naar voren te brengen.
Dus stuur onderstaande tekst naar de volgende emailadressen als je de vrouwenstrijd voor recht op abortus in Turkijke verder wilt steunen:
Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan
E-mail: bimer@basbakanlik.gov.tr Fax: +90 0312 417
Minister of Health, Prof. Dr. Recep Akdag
E-mail: recep.akdag@tbmm.gov.tr Fax: +90 0312 431 48
Minister of Family and Social Policies, Fatma Sahin
E-mail: fatma.sahin@tbmm.gov.tr Fax: +90 0312 422 55
As one of the signatories of the 829 organizations and tens of thousands of
individuals supporting the SAY NO TO ABORTION BAN (www.saynoabortionban.com)
petition campaign, we are worried about the debate on abortion in Turkey,
and expect your government to manifest the will towards ceasing this
process immediately.
Banning abortion or bringing further limitations on its period and
conditions; violates women’s human right to health and life, taking their
right to make decisions about their own sexual and reproductive health and
rights away. Women’s right ”*to decide freely and responsibly on the number
and spacing of their children*” as stated in clause 16/e of the UN
Convention for the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women, is also an
international obligation of Turkey. *instead of banning abortion*, women’s
sexual and reproductive health and rights must be guaranteed within the
frame of the UN’s 1994 Cairo Declaration and Action Plan. To this end,
considering international developments and obligations:
- Sexual education designed in the light of scientific data towards
girls and boys must be added to the educational curricula.
- Trainings on gender equality, sexual autonomy of women and prevention
of unwanted pregnancies should be provided to young and adult women and
- New policies should be developed to include the responsibilities of
men in preventing unwanted pregnancies, and the public must be informed
that vasectomy, which involves a temporary blocking of men’s sperm canals,
is also an effective contraceptive technique.
- Medical centers should be opened up for men who choose to have
vasectomies for preventing unwanted pregnancies. These should be within
easy access in their neighborhoods, providing free vasectomies under
healthy conditions and all public medical facilities should recruit
and expert staff for the same purpose.
- All birth control services must be free, and widespread for rendering
them to become accessible to everyone and to ensure that their
provision is
- State should refrain from playing a restrictive role in terminating
pregnancies. Albeit all of the above, in the case of unwanted pregnancies,
*the State should provide free and safe abortion services up to 12 weeks
*, the right to decide belonging only to women themselves.
- *All legislation making abortion dependent on men’s permission must be
- The paid parental leave period must be lengthened and parental leaves
should be made optional for men and women. This leave should cover the
totality of the period in which the child needs parental care, and after
this period the state and employers should provide qualified child care
services, including day-care and pre-schooling.