Waar: verzamelpunt: beeld Frits Philips, Markt, Eindhoven, Netherlands (GPS lat: 51.439223 lon: 5.478314)
Wanneer: 21/07/2012 - 12:00 t/m 21/07/2012 - 15:00
Om mensen bewust te maken over Frontexactiviteiten, de ontruimingsactie in Calais vanwege de Olympics die nu plaats vindt, het inhumane asielbeleid van Belgie en Nederland, detentiecentra, ontruiming vluchtelingenkamp Ter Apel, de vergeten kinderen, de bijdrage die KLM levert door mensen te deporteren naar landen waar een leven niet zeker is wordt het toch zeker tijd hier met regelmatig voor te demonstreren. Occupy Eindhoven zal beginnen in Eindhoven:
(En let op er was al eerder een event voor uitgezet, dus het aantal aanwezigen in onderstaande link zegt niets. Facebook heeft er onlangs voor gezorgd dat Occupy Eindhoven niet meer kan inloggen, vandaar dus een nieuwe link die we wel kunnen updaten)
1) Like http://www.facebook.com/HelpAroraSatesh
2) Join the demonstrationgroup (NL/BE):
3) Please sign the petition: https://secure.avaaz.org/en/petition/stop_deportation_from_European_Unio...
We call upon every citizen in the world to organise a weekly demonstration in their hometown and stand up for humanity: We do NOT forget!
(please send us the link of your event in a private message)
* We do NOT forget the forced deportation of Parwais, Hafiz and the brutal deportation of Mola Eddy (Belgium)!
* We do NOT forget people like Arora Satesh who will be deported soon (Belgium)!
* We do Not forget all the killed migrants during the Olympics cleaning actions in Calais wich is happening right now (France)!
* We do NOT forget the 'FORGOTTEN CHILDREN' living in different centra's all over the world wich parents were being deported elsewere in the world!
* We do NOT forget the brutal breakdown of the Refugeecamp Ter Apel this year where 8 nationalities were living in peace together, >400 people (Holland)!
* We do NOT forget all the people who where killed on the bloody EU borders and the whole world!
* We do NOT forget FRONTEX's part in this all!
* We do NOT forget KLM's part who often do the deportationflights.
-Old action from Autonoom Centrum against KLM:
-10 arguments to stop deportations:
-Mailexchange with KLM
At twelve o clock we will meet at the statue Frits Philips at 'de Markt' in Eindhoven.
What are we weekly planning to do?
1) We all dress in white to show our hope for a world where Human Rights are automatically respected and we all can live in harmony together.
2) We will flyer and talk to as many people as possible.
3) We will sing/rap and organise Flashmobs to spread the message.
4) We will organise yoga sit-ins to create positve vibrations.
5) We will show movies and short stories.
6) We support Boats4People.
7) We protest peacefully :)
... We do NOT forget ...
(organised by Occupy Eindhoven)