Wanneer: 25/03/2023 - 19:54
In het kader van de Housing Action Days #HAD2023 van de Europese Actie Coalitie vraagt Woonoproer Haarlem aandacht voor het falende woonbeleid. In Nederland doen politici alsof ze de wooncrisis oplossen, maar in de praktijk loopt “sociaal” beleid te vaak spaak. Lees meer...
Wanneer: 26/04/2017 - 15:33
Kuncovka, an apartment complex 10 minutes by tram from the centre of Brno, the 2nd city of the Czech Republic with a prosperous centre. A five year old girl is walking her “dog”, a broken DVD-player, on the field at the front door. The power cord serves as the leash. Inside a group of 15 sits in a 18m2 room, the largest room of the apartment. In between the meeting children play with cardboard boxes, no toy in sight. 4 chairs, 2 small tables and a mattress are all the furniture there is. Coffee and tea is made in the bathroom, there is no kitchen. Lees meer...
(In het Engels om het voor zoveel mogelijk mensen verstaanbaar te maken)
"You don't evict Oost in one day" This was the slogan shouted defiantly by squatters and sympathizers against police who seemed under real threat of not achieving their planned evictions in time. At the end, they did manage to clear the six houses they had on the list in Amsterdam Oost… after more than 12 hours! Hardly an achievement that can be called a great success. Lees meer of Discussieer (8 reacties)...