There are times when it's needed to seek the confrontation with the state. There are times when it's needed to organize something public so people can be made aware and join. But there are also times when a demo or action is better not known to the authorities, in order to achieve it's goal. A demo at a (border) prison on newyears eve is one of the latter. I assume you want people in the prison to see, hear and feel your support. You can't do that if you are being stopped by the bigot cops, maybe be arrested. In other words: this is a huge gamble.
Noisedemo's at prisons are often announced publicly, but at new years eve it's just not the best idea ever (esp. not this year). Just my 2 cents. ... Diversity of tactics rather than blindy following one tactic because you think it's the only way to stand in solidarity. Every action again the goal and tactics, risks and results need to be weighed and chosen. There never is one answer.
diversity of tactics
There are times when it's needed to seek the confrontation with the state. There are times when it's needed to organize something public so people can be made aware and join. But there are also times when a demo or action is better not known to the authorities, in order to achieve it's goal. A demo at a (border) prison on newyears eve is one of the latter. I assume you want people in the prison to see, hear and feel your support. You can't do that if you are being stopped by the bigot cops, maybe be arrested. In other words: this is a huge gamble.
Noisedemo's at prisons are often announced publicly, but at new years eve it's just not the best idea ever (esp. not this year). Just my 2 cents. ... Diversity of tactics rather than blindy following one tactic because you think it's the only way to stand in solidarity. Every action again the goal and tactics, risks and results need to be weighed and chosen. There never is one answer.