You! And big banks. And maybe the government…. We’re figuring it out. The numbers seem scarily large, but we have a team of people working together to break everything down into workable parts. We are currently exploring the following options, which we will mix and match to reach our financial goal:
-Mortgage from a bank: We are meeting with banks that are interested in supporting community property purchases.
-Wooncoöperatiefonds: There is a government scheme to support woongroepen in buying their houses. The funds will become available in the second half of 2025, and we plan to apply.
-Donations: We have launched a crowdfunding campaign ( to ask comrades for donations. This money will help us make a down payment and pay for initial renovations that make us eligible for a mortgage.
-Solidarity loans: These are loans from both individuals and community organizations. We are also looking for (small) loans: would you consider this? If so, please contact us via our email so we can discuss the details. Email:
How the f**k are we going to
How the f**k are we going to get so much money?
You! And big banks. And maybe the government…. We’re figuring it out. The numbers seem scarily large, but we have a team of people working together to break everything down into workable parts. We are currently exploring the following options, which we will mix and match to reach our financial goal:
-Mortgage from a bank: We are meeting with banks that are interested in supporting community property purchases.
-Wooncoöperatiefonds: There is a government scheme to support woongroepen in buying their houses. The funds will become available in the second half of 2025, and we plan to apply.
-Donations: We have launched a crowdfunding campaign ( to ask comrades for donations. This money will help us make a down payment and pay for initial renovations that make us eligible for a mortgage.
-Solidarity loans: These are loans from both individuals and community organizations. We are also looking for (small) loans: would you consider this? If so, please contact us via our email so we can discuss the details. Email: