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films in filmacademie veganismedag. mark - 30.10.2001 11:00
in de filmacademie zullen twee films worden vertoond. Dit in het kader van wereld veganisme dag. De opbrengst gaat naar de support groep van het DBF. THIS THURSDAY = VEGAN DAY Cinema filmacademy presents: Animal liberation in practise. A movie about the liberation of chickens from a battery-farm. By the german ALF. Chicken Run. A hilarious cartoon movie about the self-liberation of imprisoned chickens from a farm. 1st November is vegan day. The amsterdam vegan collective uses this day to invite everybody to come and relax at the Overtoom 301. The movies start at 21.00 hours. After the movies the bar will be open and vegan cakes and drinks can be purchased. All money goes to the support group of the Dutch Animal Liberation Front. They will also represent with information about direct actions and the animal liberation filosofy. "MORALITY DICTATES THAT I LIVE VEGAN" -EARTH CRISIS. E-Mail: retribute187@hotmail.com |
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