|  | CHATTEN in irc kanaal #nl op irc.indymedia.org | Indymedia - 13.10.2001 21:23
DE manier om elkaar te ontmoeten in het kader van Indymedia en er zijn zelfs ook pogingen tot vergaderen, zonder reis-tijd/-kosten. Verder informeel kletsen discussiëren etc. Klik op "lees verder" voor meer uitleg. Lees verder... |  |  | [A'dam] 5mei: #ActieLab! reActivistisch Experiment Paradiso ClubInterbellum.nl - 05.05.2011 18:17
Club Interbellum presenteert in samenwerking met Paradiso de grote afsluiter van het Amsterdam Bevrijdingsfestival: Actie Lab. In dit interactieve programma met performances, muziek, werkplaatsen, beeldende kunst en lezingen passeren alle vormen van activisme van 1945 tot nu de revue. De bezoekers gaan met kunstenaars uit verschillende disciplines actief op zoek naar nieuwe manieren om hun engagement te ‘reactiveren’. Lees verder... | Communique number 3 Join us on Wednesday, 27 April in front Bureau for Defense of Refugee Rights - 26.04.2011 00:52
20 April 2011 Communique number 3 Join us on Wednesday, 27 April in front of the Dutch Parliament in Hague! Protest against the Dutch government’s treatment of Asylum seekers! Day: Wednesday 27 April 2011 Time: 13.00-15.30 Place: Dutch Parliament building in the Hague Lees verder... |  | Wijksteunpunt Wonen Renters Advice Service Under threat! angry citizen - 14.09.2010 13:04
Wijksteunpunt Wonen Renters Advice Service Under threat! This service gives advice to renters and residents associations concerning their housing issues. They currently run drop in and call in centres in most of the stadsdeels in Amsterdam. Now they are threatened with a huge funding cut and a reduction in services to just one centralised office. Help is requested by the author of the emil I recieved printed below in dutch with an english translation included. Lees verder... |  | ALARM! EVICTION IN PROGRESS! Ruysdael Straat 85 - 10.09.2010 14:12
Cancelled! Alarm OFF! Squatters left after street was blocked and rumoured threat of water cannons to be deployed. Original message now cancelled... Callig all activists! Building kraaked Ruysdael Straat 85. 6 appartments. 1 appears to be occupied by anti kraak. Sqatters entered today. Police now gave final warning and will evict! Ruysdael Straat is being blocked off. Alarm. Alarm. Alarm!!!!!! Thanks all that attended the alarm. Stay for coffee. Lees verder... | | |  | Archief navigatie | Pagina 6 van de 6 6 - 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1 | |