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#11Juni #DutchRevolution - @NLRevolution #june11 #DuctchRevolution - 24.05.2011 18:14
De Nederlandse revolutie! / The Dutch Revolution! Zaterdag 11 juni vanaf 09:00, Frederiksplein, Amsterdam, Holland.  Dutch Revolution for REAL democracy De Nederlandse revolutie/The Dutch Revolution! Wij zijn de inwoners van Nederland. Wij willen een waarachtige democratie tot op het laagste niveau, van Parlement tot de wijken in de steden. Wij laten ons niet langer bedriegen door politici en belangengroepen met maar één doel: Geld en macht voor de rijken. Wij willen gelijkheid, vrijheid, vrede, werk, een inkomen voor iedereen, een huis en liefde. Wij willen een vreedzame en duurzame tolerante maatschappij met respect voor iedereen die hier leeft. Mensen en dieren! Want WIJ zijn het volk van Nederland! *********************************************************************** We are the people who live in The Netherlands. We want a true democracy to the lowest level, from Parliament to the streets of our towns. We won't be fooled anymore by politicians and lobby groups with only ONE concern: Money and power for the rich. We want equality, liberty, peace, jobs, an income for everybody, a house and love. We want a peaceful society with respect for all who live here. Because we are the People of The Netherlands.
https://facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_150083641728086 Website: http://DutchRevolution.wordpress.com |
Lees meer over: Agenda anti-fascisme / racisme antimilitarisme CHAT! europa feminisme G8 globalisering kunst, cultuur en muziek LINKS media natuur, dier en mens oranje vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten wereldcrisis wonen/kraken zonder rubriek | aanvullingen | uit dit artikel zijn aanvullingen verplaatst naar de ruispagina |  | Democratie? | NN - 24.05.2011 19:06
Great that more people are mobilizing. However I am wondering: who is organizing this and how? Are these the result of any democratic participatory process among ‘The People of the Netherlands’? I don’t remember seeing an invitation for an open discussion on these issues or did I miss out on something? In any case these were definitely not discussed in any of the popular assemblies at the Dam. If we want to organize a mass-mobilization for Real Democracy (even in name of ‘The People of the Netherlands’), we also have to take into account these democratic principles in the organization of these actions, in the construction of a political agenda and in the construction of a grass-roots movement. In that sense we can learn a lot from those who started the protests at the Dam, who have open assemblies every evening discussing content and organization and which are accessible to everyone (meetings are in English and Spanish). Although these protests/assemblies started out to be predominantly Spanish in the wake of the Democracia Real Ya! Movement in Spain, the last couple of days serious attempts has been made to include more Dutch activists and construct a political agenda that is also relevant for the Dutch context. I guess the least what should happen is that the actions and agenda of this group of the ‘People of the Netherlands’ are discussed and decided upon publicly and are coordinated with those present at the Dam every evening. Otherwise there is no moral nor political basis to claim ‘Real Democracy’! So several of us are already awake, and meeting and constructing networks, actions and agenda's for days now: http://dutchrevolution.blogspot.com/ Website: http://dutchrevolution.blogspot.com/ | |
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