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ALARM! EVICTION IN PROGRESS! Ruysdael Straat 85 - 10.09.2010 14:12
Cancelled! Alarm OFF! Squatters left after street was blocked and rumoured threat of water cannons to be deployed. Original message now cancelled... Callig all activists! Building kraaked Ruysdael Straat 85. 6 appartments. 1 appears to be occupied by anti kraak. Sqatters entered today. Police now gave final warning and will evict! Ruysdael Straat is being blocked off. Alarm. Alarm. Alarm!!!!!! Thanks all that attended the alarm. Stay for coffee. Cancelled! Alarm OFF! Squatters left after street was blocked and rumoured threat of water cannons to be deployed. Original message now cancelled... Callig all activists! Building kraaked Ruysdael Straat 85. 6 appartments. 1 appears to be occupied by anti kraak. Sqatters entered today. Police now gave final warning and will evict! Ruysdael Straat is being blocked off. Alarm. Alarm. Alarm!!!!!! Thanks all that attended the alarm. Stay for coffee. |
Lees meer over: CHAT! vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten wonen/kraken | aanvullingen | uit dit artikel zijn aanvullingen verplaatst naar de ruispagina |  | ruysdaelstraat | nn - 10.09.2010 17:27
ruysdaelstraat is ofcourse in amsterdam. the story is a bit unclear however it seems it was more bluff from the cops than a real threat of the circus coming. unfortunately we were not able to find out due to the small number of people that responded to the alarm. Thanks to all the people who did show up. it is important at the moment to show our active solidarity if we are to survive the rough times on the horizon. with more people there today the cops would not of so brashly stated the three 'get out of the house' warning. and would have had to count for a much larger public disorder problem which usually sways the situation into our direction. lets begin supporting each other please | maybe?? | kraker - 10.09.2010 18:30
You are totally right if you make a call-out for more solidarity, but Maybe also look a littlebit at your own organizational skills? For example: suddenly squatting a empty house (if its long empty or not, does not matter) during a weekday, means a lot of people will not know about it and will not be able to support due to work, school or whatever. When there was an earlier callout for this action, people would have known about it and would have been more prepaired. And when shit hits the van maybe it is important that you then know who to call from the alarmlist, if you are going to call random people and not the alarmlist of the area, you will not mobilize a lot of people fast. There is a phonealarmlist also of your area of Amsterdam, to get as fast as possible a lot of people. If this people in your area get the alarm 1 1/5 hours later then something went wrong, i think. And if you squat a house what is not empty for more then one year, in a neighbourhoud were it is known that in the past police more oftenly bluffed people out of their houses, it would have been wise to have good policespokespersons, preferable dutch-speaking, who can bluff as well, And have a more direct link with a/your lawyer. By the way around 40 people showing up after a not good mobilized and vague alarmcall, is still a nice turnout. But besides this critics: what are you gonna do next? I think to show the coppers that you do not except this kind of behaviour a reaction would be in place. If i know on time I would be able to be there. | @kraker | nn - 10.09.2010 22:16
i just turned up to the alarm and was not aware that it didnt go through in the correct order. There may of been 40 people there, but there certainly was not 40 people on the streets or playing an active part in the proceedings. I do agree that organizational skills must be looked at, however when it come to houses nowadays you do not always know when they are going to come empty and with the speed anti-kraaks are being put in houses, sometimes you really have to get in while you can. Ofcourse a well organized action with 40-50 people on the street on a sunday is prefferable and still the safest and most logical way to squat a house, not forgetting barricading material!!!!! i dont know when it all started but i believe i got a call pretty soon, and responded as quickly as i could. grtz | thx | nn - 11.09.2010 05:39
to everyone who come thx a lot. the action was done in a way that seemed sensible after looking for counseling during the week, although a lot of things where not in place as they should, possibly because of a wrong assessment of the risk of the action. we will be making a detailed analysis of what happened so we don't repeat the same errors and let it be known around. anyways, sorry to everyone for the errors and GREAT THANX for the big solidarity shown.
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