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Communique number 3 Join us on Wednesday, 27 April in front Bureau for Defense of Refugee Rights - 26.04.2011 00:52
20 April 2011 Communique number 3 Join us on Wednesday, 27 April in front of the Dutch Parliament in Hague! Protest against the Dutch government’s treatment of Asylum seekers! Day: Wednesday 27 April 2011 Time: 13.00-15.30 Place: Dutch Parliament building in the Hague 20 April 2011 Communique number 3 Join us on Wednesday, 27 April in front of the Dutch Parliament in Hague! Protest against the Dutch government’s treatment of Asylum seekers! Day: Wednesday 27 April 2011 Time: 13.00-15.30 Place: Dutch Parliament building in the Hague Speakers at the rally: Magid Postanchi (member of the Bureau), Maryam Kousha (Organisation for Women’s Liberation) Nasrin Ramezanali (member of the Politburo of Worker-communism Unity Party). Assaollah Kanani and Shahoo Mansoori, two asylum seekers will speak via telephone from Rotterdam prison Organizations supporting the campaign: European Feminist Initiative Organization for Women’s Liberation Wanted by People Anti-deportation Organization/England We are happy to announce that his campaign is gaining more support. That is why our enemies like the Islamic Republic of Iran has recently made a point of it on their website (jamnews) as “the cry of the anti-revolutionaries from the lack of attention of the West”! Islamic regime of Iran that is itself the cause of refugees fleeing Iran is trying to gloat in a disgusting manner. They too know that our Bureau is a serious radical organization disclosing the violation of human rights in Iran. Our campaign is about revealing the dictatorship and suppressive nature of the Islamic Republic of Iran, while protesting the anti-refugee policies of the European governments. WE are the organization defending human rights and refugees’ rights. Long Live International Solidarity with the Asylum Seekers for a better World! E-Mail: x_magid@yahoo.com Website: http://www.wupiran.org |
Lees meer over: antimilitarisme CHAT! europa LINKS media vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten | aanvullingen | Communique number 2 | Bureau for Defense of Refugee Rights - 26.04.2011 00:58
19 April 2011 Communique number 2 Campaign 27 April, a day of protest against the Dutch government! Picket in front of the Dutch Parliament in the Hague! Come and join us in our campaign against the policies of the Dutch government regarding asylum seekers. There is a picket outside the Parliament building in the Hague on 27 April 2011. Join us in our effort to change the asylum rules in Holland in favor of the refugees. We need your support. Day: Wednesday 27 April 2011 Time: 13.00-15.30 Place: Dutch Parliament building in the Hague A delegate from the Bureau for Defense of Refugee Rights will meet the Parliament representatives at 13.15 hours. There will then be speeches outside the Parliament building by Magid Postanchi (member of the Bureau), Maryam Kousha (Organisation for Women’s Liberation) and Nasrin ramezanali (member of the Politburo of Worker-communism Unity Party). Messages of solidarity will be read at the gathering. United we can make a difference! Long Live International Solidarity with the Asylum Seekers for a better World! E-Mail: x_magid@yahoo.com Website: http://www.wupiran.org | Communique number 1 | Bureau for Defense of Refugee Rights - 26.04.2011 01:45
27th April, a day in protest against the Dutch government! Bureau for Defense of Refugees (of the Worker - 21.04.2011 04:01 18 April 2011 Communique number 1 United against the anti-refugee policies of the Dutch government! 27th April, a day in protest against the Dutch government! To all refugees and people of Holland! We are all witnessing the onslaught of the capitalist governments against the living conditions of people all over the world and in our case Europe. It manifests itself in lowering of welfare, rise in unemployment, cuts in social security and increase in the pension age, just to name a few. Amidst this onslaught, asylum seekers are put under a lot of pressure to the extend that their already hard situation is worsened to the brink of death and further misery. In Holland, during the recent months, the case of many asylum seekers have been closed for no apparent reason, many have been expelled from the refugee camps with nowhere to go, and a large number have been transferred to detention centers. This anti-humane policy is in effect government’s attack against the refugees who are already stripped off respect, integrity and human values. Many are in such dire situations that have led them to resort actions such as hunger strike, lip sewing or even suicide. On 6th April this year, Kambiz Roustayi, the 36 year old Iranian asylum seeker who, in broad day light, set himself on fire while screaming about his children, was a tragic result of such policy. Bureau for Defense of Refugees (of the Worker-communism Unity Party), condemns the asylum regulations of the Dutch government which lead to such extreme and tragic fate of the asylum seekers. We shall continue our protest against this policy, in defense of refugees’ rights. We have thus organized a day of protest on Wednesday 27th April 2011 and urge all human rights organizations and people of Holland to join us. Further details of our protest schedule for this day will shortly be issued. Long Live Universal Human Rights! E-Mail: x_magid@yahoo.com Website: http://www.wupiran.org | Statement of demands by Bureau for Defense of | Bureau for Defense of Refugee Rights - 26.04.2011 21:02
Statement of demands by Bureau for Defense of Refugee Rights Submitted to the Dutch Parliament and Foreign Minister Mr. Uri Rosenthal Date 27 April 2011 Since In Iran: There is no freedom of association, organization or speech. There are no non-Islamic opposition parties, no trade unions, no women’s organizations, no independent newspapers. And if you want them or try to organize them, they arrest you, torture you or even kill you. There are no union rights. No right to strike. Labour activists are suppressed. Minimum wage is a quarter of the official poverty line. There is no unemployment insurance. Many workers have not been paid for months. Women are 3rd class citizens. Sexual apartheid rules. Women are banned from a wide range of social, economic and political activities; Islamic veil is compulsory. Women are separated from men in buses, universities, and many public places. Husbands and fathers are their guardians, at home and outside. Women cannot travel, even within the country, without permission from their male guardians. They have no right to divorce, or custody of their children. The list is endless. Intellectual dissent and non-Islamic religious expression are suppressed. Atheism and secularism are punishable by death. Religious `cleansing` and suppression of non-Moslems is the norm, Bahais are routed, Jewish people live in constant fear of fabricated charges of espionage for Israel. Christians are second-class citizens. There is no right to a fair trial. No right to an attorney, No presumption of innocence, No limits to imprisonment without charge. Arbitrary arrests, torture, forced or fabricated confessions, death in custody, are usual practice. Children have no rights. Children are the property of their elders and the Islamic state. They send them to war, to work, to gallows. 5 year olds work at furnaces. 9-year old girls may be legally married off. 13 year olds may be (and have been) legally condemned to death. Homosexuals are executed. Pure and simple. …. The list is endless Bureau for Defense of Refugees (BDR) ! ! Page 2 Many people suffering the above treatment or actively opposing the situation against the Islamic Republic are forced to flee Iran and seek asylum in Netherlands. Asylum seekers do not choose to leave the country and their loved ones. They are human beings like you and me who have experienced violation of civil rights first hand and are forced to leave Iran. They are in Netherlands now and should be treated as any other citizen with full rights. According to a report by UNHCR in their Refworld website+ in 2010, several organizations, including Amnesty International and Council for Administration of Criminal Law, criticized the manner of detention of asylum seekers prior to deportation. They maintained that since the asylum seekers were not criminals, authorities should not subject them to a criminal regime or keep them in detention for extended period of time, especially if there was little or no prospect of actual deportation. We demand the following: 1- The Dutch government condemns the Islamic Republic of Iran as a dictatorship where human rights are violated and considers it as an unsafe country for political asylum seekers. 2- The immediate and unconditional release of all jailed asylum seekers in Netherlands. 3- An end to arrest of all asylum seekers in refugee camps. 4- The abolition of the present procedure of reviewing asylum applications where asylum seekers are denied to choose their own representatives to defend them and are given very limited time to do so. 5- All asylum seekers should have the right to choose their legal defense paid by the government. 6- The centres which were closed as a result of cuts and have made many asylum seekers homeless should be reopened. 7- All asylum seekers and refugees must be provided with adequate means of living, education and medical provisions. + UNHCR, Refworld website: www.unhcr.org/cgi-bin/texis/vtx/refworld/rwmain?page=category&docid=4da56da1c&skip=0&category=COI &querysi=netherlands&searchin=title&display=10&sort=date E-Mail: x_magid@yahoo.com Website: http://www.wupiran.org | |
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