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Demonstration pro USA in Rome chia - 02.11.2001 14:39
Forza Italia has started to organize a "pro USA" demonstration in Rome on November 10th! Forza Italia continues to insist that this demonstration is open to everyone and that it won´t be a political demonstration even though Berlusconi will be closing the demonstration with one of his famous speeches. T The fact that this demonstration comes after two months of the attack to US, after dozens of other demonstrations and especially after the demonstration in Assisi (Perugia, Itlay) of last month give reasonable doubt as the political cut that Forza Italia wants to give to this demonstration. Moreover, despite their claim of this demonstration of being democratic, the leader of AN ("former" italian fascist party, now first allied/slave of Forza Italia) Gianfranco Fini is "ordering" the "vandals" of Genua to call off their demonstration organized since last july in concurrence with the Wto meeting for the same 10 of november in Rome and exiled by Berlusconi! It´s not by accident then that the police unions, who took part during the charges in Genua will participate to this demonstration but was not seen as participants in other demonstrations. And it´s by accident that they will be located next to the Marines band. Other than a demonstration this seems to be a parade organized to wave the flags of those who, behind the facade of "fight against terrorism", are perpertrating terroristic acts, dumping tons of bombs over civilians in Afghanistan and even over the humanitarian organizations. This won´t be a demonstration of solidariety but a parade of the party for the war! here´s the official adhesions till now: -the shareholders of General Dynamics (nuclear submarines). Among the shareholders: ministry of defense Usa Donald Rumsfeld, il vicesecretary of state Richard Armitage and the military navy Gordon England; -the shareholders of Halliburton (services to oil comanies.)Among the shareholders: Dick Cheney; - Chevron and his ex employee Condoleeza Rice, USA counselor for security; - Texaco and Exxon-Mobil; (oil) - two hundred famous italian tax evaders - British Petroleum; (oil) - Shell and ELF; (oil) - Agip and Snam; (oil) - Beretta; (weapons) - Elettronica Spa, Alenia Sistemi Subaquei, Finmeccanica (weapons exporters among other activieties -Totò Riina -Gianni Agnelli -Big brother -Nestlè -Del Monte and Chiquita bananas -mafia of white collars -Silvio Rutelli e Gianfranco Fassino; -starlettes of Berlusconi tvshows -Bin Laden e il moullah Omar (they cannot come but gave their adhesion) -Gruppo Operativo Mobile (GOM) police force represented by the Officers only. the troops are busy with the other demonstration -The Battaglione Tuscania (see above) - Digos (see above) - The Celere (see above); - Two popular porno actresses - three thousands idiots - thirty pedofiles - Licio Gelli and all the members of P2 - more than fifty italian banks - all of Fininvest employees - illegal USA flags sellers and Maxima´s grandfather Who wants adhere can confirm his partecipation to the march sending a fax with his complete submission to the american embassy and the leftovers of yesterday´s dinner for the Afghan children. |
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