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Nu 24/24uur on-air over WTO-top in Qatar: Redaktie - 09.11.2001 12:25
Vrijdag 9 nov. en zaterdag 10 nov.(mischien ook zondag) uitzending vanuit Amsterdam 15-18 uur!!! Je kunt dan ook bellen (020-5579818/020-5579816) met verslagen van lokale akties tegen de WTO, of ander WTO-nieuws. Klik op "lees verder" voor een korte samenvatting en foto´s. Meer foto´s van de uitzending op vrijdag.
Indymedia will be broadcasting 9-13 nov from all around the world, and from the Greenpeace ship Rainbow Warrior , as it is docked in Doha, Qatar during the 4th Ministerial meeting of the World Trade Organization. A global coordinated distributed effort to cover actions against the WTO , where any free independent media can join in taking up part of the 24 hour programming. Klik verder voor Meer info / Speciale pagina met oa mp3 stream mountpoints / Achtergrond-analyse WTO / ´drafts´ WTO Qatar URL voor MP3-stream (intypen in MP3-speler): http://live.waag.org:7800/no-wto This is the only independent broadcast platform covering the WTO conference, which is quite possibly a defining meeting between the west, the third world and Islam. The anti-globalisation movement has never had a voice in the area, so this is an important relationship building operation with all of the players. We hope the IMC network makes the most of this and we make true progress in being a true global independent news media network. Indymedia really does go where no other news agency will go and thus brings a voice to the unheard, the dispossessed and from all corners of the planet. With the help of Indymedia, Greenpeace intends to put on the web at least 1 hour of English programming a day during the WTO meeting, also Arabic programming is being planned. The origin of those broadcasts will be the Greenpeace ship Rainbow Warrior, as it is docked in Doha, Qatar during the 4th Ministerial meeting of the World Trade Organization (WTO). We invite any indymedia center to help cover on the global site as well as on their local sites the events happening in their locations from no 9th to nov 13th. Phone lines will be soon set up to receive incoming calls from all over the world to report on the various actions: there will be the possibility to upload audio features on mirrored ftp sites so that anybody partecipating can share the content produced and radios can transmit it in any form. We hope that the coordination will grow to include another communication means and as much people as possible: it´s a big experiment and it could spawn the idea of keeping this distributed audio project.
Choosing Doha, Qatar as the site for the Ministerial in part was designed to avoid public participation and scrutiny.Civil society is severely restricted in terms of access to the Ministerial. The anti-corporate globalization movement that started in Seattle has only grown in depth, diversity and size since then. This movement cannot be silenced.More and more people around the world are living with the negative consequences of a cynical globalization agenda:lack of adequate healthcare; no access to schools; loss of livelihood and jobs; a deteriorating environment; elimination of family farms and weakening of food security and safety. If the proponents of the status-quo globalization model thought that locating the WTO Ministerial in Qatar could silence civil society they were wrong. Instead we have brought our voices and our WTO critique home to communities all over the world.
Website: http://tazebao.dyne.org/ |
Lees meer over: globalisering media | aanvullingen |  | |