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Lupus - Wat is wijsheid? Lupus - 13.11.2001 09:11
Enkele citaten uit het rapport "State of World Population 2001. Footprints and milestones: population and environmetal change" van het United Nations Population Fund, gepubliceerd op 7 november 2001. "Our numbers have doubled since 1960 to 6.1 billion. Half the world still exists on less than $2 a day." "Increasing population and consumption, propelled by new technologies and globalization, are altering the planet on an unprecedented scale. Everywhere we see signs of stress; destroyed natural habitats, threatened and extinct species, degraded soil, polluted air and water, and melting ice-caps from global warming." "World population will grow by 50 per cent, from 6.1 billion in mid-2001 to 9.3 billion by 2050. All of the projected growth will take place in today´s developing countries. The 49 least-developed countries, already straining to provide basic social services to their people, will nearly triple in size, from 668 million to 1.86 billion people." "Water use has grown six-fold over the past 70 years. Worldwide, 54 per cent of the annual available fresh water is being used, two thirds of it for agriculture. By 2025 it could be 70 per cent because of population growth alone, or - if per capita consumption every-where reached the level of more developed countries - 90 per cent." "In the year 2000, 508 million people lived in 31 water-stressed or water-scarce countries. By 2025, 3 billion people will be living in 48 such countries. By 2050, 4.2 billion people (over 45 per cent of the global total) will be living in countries that cannot meet the daily requirement of 50 litres of water per person to meet basic needs." "In developing countries, 90-95 per cent of sewage and 70 per cent of industrial wastes are dumped untreated into surface waters where they pollute the water supply." "Genetic erosion of wild strains of cereals and other cultivated plants threatens efforts to improve staple crops. As many as 60,000 plant species -one quarter of the world´s total - could be lost by 2025." "Fish stocks are also under threat. According to FAO, 69 per cent of commercial marine fish stocks are fully exploited, over-fished, depleted, or slowly recovering". "In the 20th century, carbon dioxide emissions grew 12-fold - from 534 million metric tons to 6.59 billion metric tons - contributing to a global warming trend that will have severe environmental and social effects. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) estimates that the atmosphere will warm by as much as 5.8 degrees Celsius over the coming century, and sea-level will rise about half a metre." "Climate change will have a serious impact including increased storms, flooding and soil erosion, accelerated extinction of plants and animals, shifting agricultural zones, and a threat to public health due to increased water stress and tropical disease." "Tropical forests contain an estimated 50 per cent of the world´s remaining biodiversity. At current rates of deforestation, the last significant primary tropical forest could be harvested within 50 years, causing irreversible loss of species. Deforestation also contributes to the build-up of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere." "Since 1900, industrialization has introduced almost 100,000 chemicals into the environment. Most have not been studied for their health effects. Some, banned in industrialized countries because of their harmful effects, continue to be widely used in developing countries." Maar ik rook niet. Lupus Amsterdam, 12-11-2001 E-Mail: lupus@battl.nl Website: http://www.battl.nl |
Lees meer over: zonder rubriek | aanvullingen |  | Resolve | hkutscha - 13.11.2001 12:52
Think high, live low! | hear,hear | aqua - 14.11.2001 14:34
hear,hear, maar wat doen we er aan | Zucht...waar gaat dat heen....zucht.... | Rishi - 15.11.2001 22:02
Zucht...waar gaat dat heen....zucht.... Al hoewel ik niet weet hoe ik zelf hier veel aan kan doen zullen alle beetjes wel helpen, toch? Mijn motto is (wordt): All that is not given, is lost! | |
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