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Afghan Women´s Network roept op! saralotta - 15.11.2001 14:29
Meer dan 50 vrouwen van verschillende NGOs en organisaties kwamen op 7 november 2001 samen in Peshawar, op initiatief van het Afghan Women´s Network. Hieronder een tekst die uit hun bijeenkomst voortkwam. Het is al op verschillende manieren duidelijk geworden dat de Noordelijke Alliantie nauwelijks een haar beter is dan de Taliban wat de behandeling van vrouwen betreft, en het is ook al duidelijk geworden dat allerlei onderhandelingen over een "eenheids"regering een volledgie mannenzaak zijn. Afghan Women´s Network vraagt steun om hun visie voor een meer demokratische samenleving in Afhanistan waar te maken. Je kan hen steunen door hun visie te verspreiden en te ondertekenen, en naar onderstaande adressen of nummers te mailen of faxen. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 7 November, 2001 For more then two decades the Afghan nation has been passing through the most difficult experiences of war, human rights violations and brutality. While we struggle to survive, we are scared for life, losing our dear ones, seeing our children traumatized, our neighbors killed, our husbands disabled by a war fought under different banners but yet with the same tragic consequences. In whatever name the war might be fought, jihad, justice, terrorism etc. We ask you to stop it. The waging and continuation of the war affects us more deeply every passing day by hearing that someone else has been added to the list of victims. Perhaps a million Afghans are in movement facing closed borders, a hostile reception and already jammed camps with the most miserable conditions of life. Stop this war in the name of the Afghan child, the Afghan mother and a nation who have sacrificed more than enough. The continuation of war will not only be adding to the existing misery of the Afghan nation, but will hinder the chances of a peaceful solution in the future. We call upon the international community and the countries and groups involved in this war to support us by listening to us and ensuring our rights as citizens of the world are respected. Help us in seeking our right to survival. We request the following: * The military action in Afghanistan be stopped immediately. * The anti-terrorism campaign should not be fought at the expense of restricting or violating human rights of Afghans. It should be dealt with in accordance with international law and procedures by an international tribunal. * The neighboring countries of Afghanistan should open their borders to Afghan families fleeing the war. * Afghans should be supported in the peace process and nation building effort in such a way, which ensures the respect of its diverse ethnic groups and religious sects, women and children. * Afghan women´s participation in the peace process must be assured. WRITE TO: Lakhdar Brahimi Special Representative of the Secretary General for Afghanistan Tel: +1 212 963 1386 Fax: +1 212 963 0616 Kamal Hossain UN Special Rapporteur for Afghanistan Fax: +880 29564953 Email: khossain@citecho.net Carolyn McAskie Deputy Emergency Relief Coordinator Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs Fax: +1 212 963 1312 The office of Hina Jilani, the UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights Defenders Martine Anstett Email: manstett.hchr@unog.ch The office of Asma Jahangir, UN Special Rapporteur on Extra-Judicial Killings Henrik Stenman Email: Hstenman.hchr@unog.ch WLUML - international solidarity network Email: wluml@wluml.org WWW: www.wluml.org |
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