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international Animal Rights Gathering 2001 Animal Defense League (ADL) - 17.11.2001 01:04
An inspiring gathering for grassroots activists worldwide! Action Speaks Louder Than Words! The ADL will organize an inspiring grassroots gathering in the Netherlands; with loads of actions against fur and vivisection, workshops, a bookfair, movies, bands and vegan food! International Animal Rights Gathering 2002; Biomedical Primate Research Centre (BPRC) and fur 8-9-10-11 februari 2002 Amsterdam, Netherlands Filmacademie; Overtoom 301, Amsterdam The Animal Defense League will organize an international animal rights gathering in the centre of Amsterdam. This is the programme; (till now) Friday 8 feb; 12.00 arrival 14.00 welcome-talk and info about BPRC 15.30 demo at BPRC Rijswijk 19.30 vegan meal 20.30 workshop about animal liberation 22.30 movie evening; actions of actiongroups and the ALF with soymilkshakes and popcorn!!! (bring your own movie, so we can show footage from all over the world!) Saturday 9 feb; 10.00 breakfast 11.00 action!! Will be a secret till the gathering! 15.00 bookfair about animal rights/liberation, social struggle and earth liberation. Also vegan snacks availabe. 15.00 workshops about HLS and BPRC 20.30 benefit show for ADL; with the hardcore bands Forever Blue and From the dying sky after party with a reggae DJ Sunday 10 feb; 10.00 breakfast 11.00 action!! Will be a secret till the gathering! 18.30 vegan meal 20.30 workshop minkliberation Monday 11 feb; 10.00 breakfast 11.00 action!! Will be a secret till the gathering!! There are sleeping facilities, bring your own sleeping bag and matras. This is the official programme, more spontanious actions will happen during the gathering! In the beginning of december more info will follow on the website; fly.to/adl.nl For questions or info; adl_amsterdam@yahoo.com E-Mail: adl-amsterdam@yahoo.com |
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