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 | WAUW!!!! | Alles-Klicker - 26.11.2001 14:52
Wat een te gek-hippe-typografische site heb je Piet. Super-pychedelisch. Ben gelijk op je indymedia-pagina´s wezen kijken. Moet er even aan wennen. Een ongelooflijke ervaring. Gelukkig zijn de indymedia´s down: we hebben nu extra tijd jouw site te bewonderen. Doen mensen!!! | more detail and solution suggestions | piet - 27.11.2001 11:07
relevant detail from item 95470 (has 15 comments in total): by Paul R. 9:10am Mon Nov 26 ´01 paul@mediageek.org No one familiar with Indymedia tech is ignorant to the problem of having so many indymedia sites centralized, but the solution is harder to come by. So many IMCs are hosted at global because they have relative plentiful bandwidth. If every locality, especially those in the developing world, had to get its own server and bandwidth, then we´d have far fewer IMCs. So I think the folks who keep the global servers going deserve a big thank you for their time and dedication, not just a bunch of bitching when things don´t work correctly. Nonetheless this system is becoming gravely overtaxed. Some IMCs like Urbana-Champaign, IL and Ohio Valley host their own servers, although rely on the main IMC DNS for their *.indymedia.org addresses to work. Some IMCs, like Urbana, have registered other names to work around this problem (Urbana can be reached at http://www.ucimc.org). At the Midwest Regional IMC Gathering there was a little talk about taking some of the serving load off of global IMC, but this requires money and time. At Urbana we´re trying to ramp up our bandwidth (no small feat with Ameritech as the dominant telecomm here) so that we can move our server in house and possibly host other IMCs, too. But Active is tough software to admin and bandwidth isn´t free. How can you help? Send some money to your local IMC and/or help them get their own server. Put up your own server and offer to host your local IMC. Or add a local IMC mirror to your own server if you have one. Don´t complain that it was too difficult to get involved in global IMC Tech -- those volunteers are busy enough keeping things together. Sometimes it takes twice as much energy to orient someone to help than it does to just do it yourself. If you really want to help, take some of the load off their hands by taking a site off their servers. No one will argue that decentralization is important -- don´t just talk the talk, walk the walk. Ugandan regime behind this game (english) by joram 9:16am Mon Nov 26 ´01 address: http://www.un.org/Docs/sc/letters/2001/1072e.pdf joram@geek.com I think the ugandan goverment is behind this pathetic game; everytime a UN report is made public(published) they sabotage it by a Denial of Service terrorism- when the first UN report was first published on www.besigye.com (opposition site) they did the same. On sunday a second UN report exposing the elite of the regime in the involvement of looting Congo its natural resources was posted on www.congo.indymedia.org and the site is suffering from the same pathetic disease. sorry folks! the report http://www.un.org/Docs/sc/letters/2001/1072e.pdf Regime website www.uganda.co.ug mouthpiece www.newvision.co.ug What happened (english) by Micah 9:46am Mon Nov 26 ´01 Hi, I am an imc-tech volunteer, been doing this for nearly two years now. I was called last night because DNS was down so I got online and started to investigate. I found what the others had already found, the primary nameserver fs.freespeech.org was unreachable - either network problem or hardware problem. Many of you have pointed out that this "single point of failure" makes the IMC less decentralized, but this isn´t actually the case, we have back-up nameservers in other parts of the globe, but for some reason our secondaries weren´t responding. After some investigation I found what Guy said above, some lame delegation was happening, as well as our zones were set to expire after four hours - we set them so low because of some DNS manipulation that we were doing to compensate for high levels of traffic a little bit back and haven´t set it to a more reasonable level. So when fs.freespeech.org went down, four hours later the secondaries expired the zones. Restarting the secondary nameservers around midnight last night brought us back online, but only for four hours :) So 4 am (PST) things went back down. Our tech contact at FS had just changed, so we didn´t have a reliable method of contacting someone there in an emergency, so we weren´t able to get fs.freespeech back online as you normally would in such an emergency. We all appreciate the sympathy for the hard-working tech volunteers who are constantly under the gun, called at random times of the day/night to quickly rush to fix things so people don´t think that we´ve been taken down by the man. :) We just got two volunteers who are working completely on DNS issues, so hopefully we´ll be better off in the future when such problems happen, but don´t forget, we are all volunteer, and we don´t have ads from companies that are requiring that we be up 99.9999% of the time, we may not be perfect, but we are doing our best in our spare time. Take care everyone! No Indymedia? Use indymedia.no! (english) by Li´l Brotha 7:54pm Mon Nov 26 ´01 IN TIMES OF WAR -- feel free to post important stories to our Indymedia Norway newswire. It should be easy to memorise: "No Indymedia -> indymedia.no" :) indymedia.no
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