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Volkskrant Voetbalkrant janko - 30.11.2001 02:42
Een rondje kranten op het web vannacht. Terwijl overal bericht wordt over de konferentie in Bonn, de moordpartij van afgelopen zondag in Qalai Janghi, de belegering van Kandahar, de toestand in Kaboel, weet de de website van De Volkskrant niet beter dan te openen met: "Ajax ontslaat trainer Adriaanse" en alsof dat nog niet genoeg is gaat het vervolgens over EasyEveryting Internetcafes, over (geen) ontslagen bij een kwakkelend KLM en Nederlandse fregatten die naar de Golf toe varen. The Guardian: http://www.guardian.co.uk Afghan factions inch towards deal. Rival groups at talks in Bonn agree first steps towards power-sharing. The Independent: http://www.independent.co.uk Relatives remember British victims. Massacre: What really happened in Qalai Janghi on Sunday, and in the bloody days that followed? The Times: http://www.thetimes.co.uk Northern Alliance ´enters´ Kandahar Le Monde: http://www.lemonde.fr Bonn : sur la voie d´un rapprochement Polémique autour de la tuerie de Mazar-e-Charif Frankfurter Rundschau: http://www.frankfurter-rundschau.de Afghanistan-Konsens rückt näher Neue Zuercher Zeitung: http://www.nzz.ch Massive US-Angriffe auf Kandahar Berichte über Festnahme führender Al-Kaida-Mitgliede Liberation: http://www.liberation.fr L´Alliance du Nord cède un peu de terrain à Bonn Encercler Kandahar. Alors que les marines américains continuent de se déployer autour du dernier bastion des hommes du mollah Omar, la polémique enfle après le massacre des prisonniers talibans mutins de Mazar-i-Sharif. La forteresse devenue cimetière. New York Times: http://www.nyt.com Taliban Foes Move on Kandahar, Pakistani Officials Report. Anti-Taliban fighters from tribes along the Pakistan-Afghanistan border are moving toward the Taliban stronghold of Kandahar, Pakistani officials said tonight. Washington Post: http://www.washington-post.com Afghan Factions Escalate The Fight for Kandahar. Taliban stronghold is under siege as some surrender, others fight and still others escape. De moeite van het lezen waard: Robert Fisk: We are the war criminals now ´Everything we have believed in since the Second World War goes by the board as we pursue our own exclusive war´ We are becoming war criminals in Afghanistan. The US Air Force bombs Mazar-i-Sharif for the Northern Alliance, and our heroic Afghan allies – who slaughtered 50,000 people in Kabul between 1992 and 1996 – move into the city and execute up to 300 Taliban fighters. The report is a footnote on the television satellite channels, a "nib" in journalistic parlance. Perfectly normal, it seems. The Afghans have a "tradition" of revenge. So, with the strategic assistance of the USAF, a war crime is committed. Lees verder: http://argument.independent.co.uk/commentators/story.jsp?story=107292 E-Mail: jvanberkel@hotmail.com |
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