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We are fighting a dual war tTariq Iqbal Bhutta - 30.11.2001 18:04
Adel is the central leader of the Afghan Revolutionary Labour Organization. Shoaib Bhatti, editor of Weekly Mazdoor Jeddojuhd (Workers Struggle)interviewed him on 11th November in Lahore, before the fall of Kabul. WHY were Osama and the Taliban held responsible immediately after theSeptember 11th terrorist attacks? Osama bin Laden was wanted by America for his involvement in the Tanzaniankillings [the bombing of the US embassy - ed]. While he was alreadyconsidered responsible for terrorist attacks in America. Under the sameallegations America and the UN had imposed economic sanctions to pressurizethe Taliban to arrest Osama. And to put pressure on Pakistan´s governmenteconomic aid was linked with the arrest of Osama and creation of a broadbased government in Afghanistan. Because of this economic sanction and withthe efforts of the Pakistani government there were three distinct groupsamong the Taliban. But due to the superiority in numbers of armed menbelonging to Al-Qaida and AQ economic support for the Taliban, they werereluctant to kick Osama out of Afghanistan. The killing of Ahmad ShahMasood on September 9th by two Arab militants was also linked to AQ. AhmadShah Masood was the only war lord who could have helped the Americans veryeffectively in their attack on the Taliban after the September 11thattacks. Is it possible to arrest Osama and the main leaders of the Taliban?Look, it is not difficult to arrest a man like Osama who weighs only 55kilograms. It´s also not difficult to capture Kabul and Mazar Sharif.America has a long planning in the area. America also wants to teach alesson to the Northern Alliance that without American support the NA canneither conquer Afghanistan nor maintain it. America also wants a strongbase in Afghanistan to keep a check on China and Russia. The differencescan also be seen among the Taliban. A moderate group under the leadershipof Foreign Minister Wakeel Ahmad Mutwakl also exists. He was not seenpublicly for some time. Because of bombing and the fear of killing thepeople are asking AQ to leave the area or migrating themselves. It showsthe reservation among the masses and there are differences among theTaliban. Because of losing mass support the retreat of the Taliban is areal possibility. Would the new set up after the Taliban defeat be a strong one?Even if the Taliban are not fully defeated, a faction of them under foreignpressure can join the new set up. While another faction with the support ofAQ can join the guerilla war. In future, a broad base government comprisingmoderate Taliban and Pashtoons is quite possible. In the next few days themeeting is going to be held in Turkey to settle the features andrepresentations of the next government. A large number of tribal elders areparticipating in this meeting. Ex governor Jalal Abad is also participatingin this meeting. However there is no question of stable and long lastinggovernment. The enforced set up with or without Zahir Shah will look afterthe interests of America not the interests of Afghan people. This proposedset up is also not acceptable to the countries of the area.Pakistan has its own interests and wants to defend them. However we are ofthe view that Pakistan´s rulers and Intelligence agencies will not be ableto provide the same monetary or military aid for Taliban guerilla war asprovided in the past. However Pakistan will make sure that its interestsare secured. In Iran, the supporters of Raza Shah are considering thereturn of Zahir Shah as the return of the monarchy and due to this reasonthe Iranian Government consider the new set up under Zahir Shah as a threatfor it and are supporting the Taliban setting aside all past differences.So the future government will not be able to solve any single problem ofthe Afghan masses nor will it be a representative government. It willgenerate contradictions inside and outside. This will be a dependentgovernment, which will not be strong or able to maintain peace. Thisgovernment will only defend the American interest and these interests areprofit from the export of oil. The oil pipeline will not pass through Iranbecause this route is very expensive, the most possibility is that thiswill pass through Pakistan but the profit will go in the pockets ofAmericans. There will be very little benefit to Pakistan and Afghanistan.So Pakistan wants to become a gate way to central Asia and this objectivewill not be fulfilled. Pakistan can change its present strategy.Similarly in Afghanistan if the expectations of the tribes are notfulfilled they can opt for civil war. Poppy production can also become afocal point of contradiction between America and local tribal leaders.It is also clear that America does not trust Pakistan. The Pakistanintelligence agencies are also not able to provide concrete informationwhich could lead to massive successes in short span of time. After the fallof the Najib-Ullah government in 1992 America gave a Pakistan a free hand.In return Pakistan promoted terrorism. This time America will not givePakistan a free hand. On this point there could be tension between Pakistanand America. What is your party´s point of view in the new set up?Our party does not support any imposed set up in Afghanistan. This new setup will defend the American interests. The problem of the Afghan peoplewill not be solved by them neither it is their agenda. Former King ZahirShah´s talk of elections and transitional government is a deception.Because of ignorance and mass murder, the Afghan may consider Zahir Shah asan alternative but they will come out of this deception very soon The grandson of Zahir Shah, Mustafa Zahir and grand daughter Humera Wali are activefor the restoration of kingdom. It is possible that Zahir Shah and the newset up with so-called election process are "elected". But this will be asheer deception. Through these elections it will not be the genuinepeople´s representatives but the American stooges who will be elected.American will not tolerate an opposition to come into power.Since 1964, our party is opposing Zahir Shah. His and other governmentshave killed hundreds of our party comrades. We cannot set aside or forgetour party martyrs. We will do our best to expose this fraud and we willstrengthen the class movement to establish a genuine government of theAfghan masses. Although, several groups are supporting Zahir Shah,considering him the lesser evil. This will be a big mistake. Our partycannot afford that. We are fighting a dual war and we are hopeful that the victory will be ofthe poor Afghan masses. Translation from Worker Struggle Weekly, Lahore, Pakistan. By Tariq IqbalBhutta E-Mail: redactie@grenzeloos.org Website: http://www.grenzeloos.org |
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