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Salt Water Hybrid power sourcing GREENarcher - 16.12.2001 21:47
Salt Water Hybrid power source: Test/Demo Four Mag.Alum/Air Salt Water cells running a hydrogen fuel cell - and with an additional four cells running a 6volt 1 1/2 amp. spotlight at the same time. Nuetralizing bath by courtesy of tupperware giant ice-cube mold. Direct solar panel feed-in.  Hybrid running 6volt SPOTLIGHT at 1.5amps - This means you can begin with an ordinary electric scooter; move on to a metal/air drive; add a fuel cell stack when ready, before moving on to three-wheel and four-wheel expansions. Sissors and glue - and a few hours to build each cell; repeated as needed. - No pollution: no combustion: every element recycled to natural purified substance. Life Symbiosis: absorbing CO2 - giving off oxygen - returning hydrogen to water. Like a PLANT does. - All without any central corporation. - YOU do it: not wait for "they" to do it! This means a return to nature that most people, armoured for life against the poisonous influxes of industrialism - never have known. Your vehicle sensitive to the slightest change in sun, wind, and water currents; and no SLAVE servo-mechanisms running off of the central voracious BEAST to indulge your phantasies of power amid the reality of spreading death! Out of the mythic - and into the real. Out of fear and loathing - and into beauty. The most advanced, and the most fundamental: CONJOINED. This means equal energy access for every person on the planet - then the peaceful "war to save the planet" from the twin evils of entropic fossil fuel usage, and BioTech life manipulations will have been WON! Its´ no longer enough to be "against technology" - one must be cognisent of what are the effects on reality of each technology, and struggle to terminate those leading towards death and destruction, and implement those leading to life more abundant........ |
Lees meer over: natuur, dier en mens | aanvullingen |  | |