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2 februari: met Argentinië tegen IMF/NAVO nomaxima - 21.12.2001 11:38
Een voorstel voor solidariteit tussen twee akties op 2 februari: in München tegen de NAVO; in New York tegen het World Economic Forum. Op die zelfde dag in Amsterdam [Witte Plein] zou solidariteit met de bevolking van Argentinië beide kunnen verbinden Commentaar voor Nederland bij onderstaand voorstel: in Nederland is op 2 februari het huwelijk van Máxima, en de Witte Plein aktie in Amsterdam. Zouden we bij onderstaand initiatief kunnen aansluiten door met Argentinië als voorbeeld, de nadruk te leggen op: 1. de rampzalige gevolgen van de politiek van IMF en World Economic Forum [honger in Argentinië, eens 1 van de 10 rijkste landen ter wereld] 2. Solidariteit met de slachtoffers van militair en politiegeweld, zowel in de tijd van de Videla/Zorreguieta dictatuur; als nu? Eventueel zouden we bijvoorbeeld telefonisch verbinding kunnen leggen met New York en München Munich (AntiNato) ---> NewYork (AntiWEF) by xxx 1:19am Fri Dec 21 ´01
nato@buko24.de A Proposal for Solidarity Two massive demonstrations, taking place simultaneously in Munich and New York, offer a rare opportunity for building cross-continental alliances and international solidarity. On February 1 and 2, 2002, Munich will be rocked by massive demonstrations against the NATO Security Conference. Across the Atlantic, a Carnival Against Capitalism will challenge the Annual Meeting of the World Economic Forum in New York City. These two convergences, simultaneously targeting the imperialist centers of military and economic power, present us with a chance to challenge the entire system of domination that controls our lives. With both initiatives marked by anti-authoritarian, anti-capitalist tendencies and respect for a diversity of tactics, it only makes sense to integrate our efforts. A few specific ideas for cooperation: 1. Mutual endorsement between the Anti-Capitalist Convergence and Against the Meeting of the World War Elite. 2. Educational initiatives in New York City against NATO and militarism, and in Munich against the WEF and capitalism. 3. Including information on each convergence in educational materials and reports, for example, produced by Independent Media Centers. 4. Building links with activists on other continents, transforming our events into components of a Global Day of Action. 5. ? Anti-Capitalist Convergence Against the World Economic Forum in New York City (January 31-February 4)
http://www.abolishthebank.org/wef2002.html Against the Munich Security Conference
http://www.anti-nato.de.vu/ Website: http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/linksnederlands |
Lees meer over: globalisering | aanvullingen |  | WHY NOT PORTO ALEGRE TOO? | Akis - 22.12.2001 18:18
Between Jan. 31 and Feb. 5, the 2nd World Social Forum will be held in Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. An idea could be to try and link this event too to your Global Day, to make it even more "global". Of course not everybody in the WSF will be anticapitalist, but many people will. And it´s just next to Argentina. E-Mail: haralambos.gavriilidis@chello.be | |
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