Salamanca, 17-19 March 2002, EU ed. summit Anonym - 23.12.2001 20:27
calling for European meeting against the EU cultural and educative policies, Salamanca, Spanish State, 17-19 March 2002   MOVE AGAINST THE EU EDUCATION AND CULTURE MINISTERS SUMMIT IN MARCH OF 2002!! The ASAMBLEA DE SALAMANCA CONTRA LA LOU (ASSEMBLY OF SALAMANCA AGAINST THE LOU), in coordination with the State Assembly of the Student Movement, has called a EUROPEAN ENCOUNTER OF STUDENTS AGAINST THE LOU in coincidence with the visit of the ministers of education and culture of the EU, that will host an extensive DISCUSSION FORUM about the present situation and a GREAT MOBILIZATION to answer to the LOU. By another side, the PLATAFORMA OTRO MUNDO ES POSIBLE (ANOTHER WORLD IS POSSIBLE PLATFORM) prepares an extensive calendar of mobilizations for those dates under the name (provisional) of SOCIAL FORUM AGAINST THE CULTURAL AND EDUCATIONAL POLICIES OF THE UE, that includes the celebration of shops, assemblies, conferences, non-violent direct actions and THREE DEMONSTRATIONS for the days 17, 18 and 19 of March, in coordination with the Spanish State Campaign against the Capitalistic Europe. Last hour!: every Europe students assemblies collect the proposal of encounter in Salamanca March 17-19 2002. More information in and http: // ? E-Mail: Website: |