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Afghan Workers Solidarity Campaign launched Leo de Kleijn - 05.12.2001 17:22
The main aim of this campaign is to help the Afghan workers in their struggle to survive. It will bring material help for the Afghan workers which will be distributed inside Afghanistan and also in refugees camp in Pakistan. Ik wil proberen onderstaand initiatief ook in Nederland van de grond te krijgen. Wie mee wil doen kan contact met mij opnemen: l.dekleijn@chello.nl ====================== Afghan Workers Solidarity Campaign launched Become part of the campaign and sponsor it today Labour Party Pakistan in close association with Afghan Labour Revolutionary. The idea to start this campaign was discussed during the visit of Alan Macomb of Scottish Socialist Party. The SSP has already decided to actively support this campaign. LPP and ALRO are appealing to all the international Left and trade union movement to support this campaign. The main aim of this campaign is to help the Afghan workers in their struggle to survive. It will bring material help for the Afghan workers which will be distributed inside Afghanistan and also in refugees camp in Pakistan. It will help to strengthen the progressive organizations of the Afghan workers. It will collect and bring every day life necessities to the Afghan workers on emergency basis. The suppression by the religious fundamentalists of all the democratic and human rights in Afghanistan over the years has left the organization of the Left and progressive forces in absolute weak position. Many had lost lives for the cause of Socialism in Afghanistan. Rest of them are spending their lives underground even in exile. Their families have been tortured and sentenced to death by the religious fundamentalist. To help the Afghan left and progressive forces in their struggle to survive and promote their organizations needs an active international support. LPP has been active in promoting the Afghan Left for some years. It has now a plan to produce a monthly paper in Pushto language to help the afghan left in promotion of their ideas and strategy. LPP has already started collecting cloths, medicine, blankets, shoes and other every day food items to be distributed among Afghan refugees camp through the ALRO and other afghan Left groups. The LPP plan to send its first truck load of these items till 24th of November. What you can do? Sponsor the AWSC formally by paying the initial amount of $ 300 for the organizations and $100 FOR THE INDIVIDUALS. Please help to build this campaign. Collect every day items in your country and send the shipment to Education Foundation 40 Abbot Road Lahore, Pakistan Most of the second hand items like the blankets and cloths are available cheaply in Pakistan. If you like, send us the money and we can buy these items for you. Volunteers If you have time and money to travel, please come to Pakistan to help build this campaign. We need volunteers from Abroad to help this campaign. Please contact us immediately for this. Please send your donations to following bank account Education Foundation Donation Please forward this information to your bank for a quick transmission of money Standard Charted Bank NY 1 Evertrust Plaza, Suite 1101, 11th Floor, Jercy City 07302 USA Swit Code SCBLUS33 TelexATXT 420117 Federal Reserve Bank Routing No.(ABA) 026002561 CHIPS ABA 0256 For credit to Standard Charted Grindlays Bank, Karachi AC 3582-024272-001 with them for final credit to A/C No. 01 7967128 90 of Education Foundation Donations at Standard Charted Grindlays Bank Gulberg Branch Lahore, Pakistan Shoaib Bhatti Organizer, Afghan Workers Solidarity Campaign, (Central Chairman Labour Party Pakistan) labourparty@gmx.net Website: www.labourpakistan.org Tel: 92 42 6315162, 6301685, 92 42 6303808 Sponsors so for: Socialist Initiative/Socialist League - Was Tun (Germany) Workers Solidarity Pakistan (Germany) Labour Party Pakistan Scottish Socialist Party Women Workers Help Line Lahore Pakistan Afghan Labour Revolutionary Organization All Pakistan Para Madical Staff Federation Pakistan Printing and Graphic Workers Union All Pakistan Bhatta Mazdoor Federation Pakistan Railway Workers Union (democratic group) Itehad Workers Union Carpet Industries Pakistan Democratic Socialist Party of Australia Labour Militant Voice of USA Internationalism Editing Group Japan Workers Democracy Network USA Council of Human Needs USA Workers International Unity (UIT), all the sections affiliated with this International also have decided to affiliate with AWSC ASAP Australia Olof Palme International Center I-Fund (Sweden) Left Radical of Afghanistan Anti-War Project of COM-NET Japan Workers Foundation of Iran Silla vriesma (Netherlands) Note: Education Foundation is registered non-government organization set up by the supporters of Labour Party Pakistan in 1993. E-Mail: l.dekleijn@chello.nl Website: http://www.grenzeloos.org |
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