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Amerikaans fascisme slaat helemaal door Bla - 08.12.2001 04:41
[story.ashcroft.manual.jpg] U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft displays what he called a terror manual from the al Qadea network [Save a link to this article and return to it at www.savethis.com] [Save a link to this article and return to it at www.savethis.com] [Printer-friendly version of this article] [Printer-friendly version of this article] [Email a link to this article] [Email a link to this article] [View a list of the most popular articles on our site] [View a list of the most popular articles on our site] WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Attorney General John Ashcroft lashed out Thursday at critics of the administration´s response to terrorism, saying questions about whether its actions undermine the Constitution only serve to help terrorists. http://europe.cnn.com/2001/US/12/06/inv.ashcroft.hearing/index.html |
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