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The youth speaks out. Seven different stories Holiday at noon - 13.01.2002 20:25
The youth speaks out. Seven different stories. Miguel, Cindy, Maria, Clair, Aristoteles, Gerald and Chrissie have a story to tell. 1) Miguel went to a store to buy an avocado. He ate it and threw the seed(stone) through a corporatewindow. 2) Cindy made a so called minuteman demonstration in a bus by speaking into a cellular phone very loudly. The phone rang 20 times during the ride. 3) Maria wrote on a wall: where do you want to go today? to paint a bank 4) Accidently a smoke lit the dustbin. No one was injured. 5) Clair went with her friends to see a movie. It was a slimy corporate advertisement movie. An instant vigil followed. People got disturbed of the protest. The sentiment took off. 6) Aristoteles went to a harbour. He wrote on a big ship: this fucker is a terminator 7) Gerald bought some fruits from a store. The weightmachine was ridiculous. He had one banana and weight it. He added the printlabel on a bunch of bananas. Low-cost, high-efficient currency. 8) In the evening Chrissie used som chewinggum to smear it onto a candidcamera. No further candid cameras were detected. |
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