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Democracy in USA is fragile - a letter to the WEF - 19.01.2002 21:45
Part I A number of letters to the editor have without restraint praised the maintenance of democracy in United States although the question of democracy in USA remains highly complex. The democracy in USA is a trifle summoned up in a constitutional right to vote a new face to the White House, when people get tired of the old face. Democracy in USA is fragile - a letter to the editor Part I Another business is that neither people nor the democracy in USA have no means to get an insight in to the guard of grey eminences that de facto rule the country by influencing the presidential institution and its unparliamentary compounded administration-government. Practically it is being done by advisors, co-advisors, a row of committees, so called think tanks(CFR, TC, Bilderberg group) and a range of other semipolitical societies with an untold agenda. USA is also a nation that has a range of other halfpublic organizations and institutions in which even the president and ministers are not given too much of an insight to. For example FED, CIA, NSA, NRO, FEMA, IRS etc. For example the action taken by the NSA through the global ECHELON eavesdropping system is apparently being operated without any democratic control. The long-drawn, infamous and democratically incontrollable role of the CIA in international drug and weaponbusiness and "black budget" financing of USA-friendly coupmakers in countries with strategic natural resources is notorious - Panama, Iran, Irak, Saudi- Arabia, Afghanistan etc. Likewise have many senators and representatives of the congress with no success demanded insight to the bookkeeping of the so called centralbank FEDERAL RESERVE. The military is largely a state within the state which is divided into USAF, US NAVY, US ARMY etc. The politicians haven`t got a clue of whats going on in various militarybases. Some of them doesn`t even exist officially - like the notorious Area 54 in Nevada. National Security is the answer as we know. Any measures taken in the name of National Security are considered justified. The spaceadministration NASA and its unexplainable reticence has lead to that NASA has become famous as "Not-A-Straight-Answer" if anyone from the senate or congress has demanded an insight to where the money has gone. And all the astronauts are bound by military status and obligation to observe silence. One can only make assumptions of what secrets they are likely to carry when a considerable number of them have either drowned themselves in alcohol or committed suicide. Citizens have no insight into their private experiences in the space when they flatly deny, refuse to comment and refer to official spokesmen of NASA. The book Dark Moon. Apollo and the Whistleblowers by David Percy(Aulis Publishing 1999) raises a lot of questions concerning what is true and what is untrue visavi moonexpeditions that were accomplished during the hottest period of cold war. Summa summarum: No wonder that a variety of conspiracy theories flourish concerning the USA-doings - and with good reason. More than 60 % of the americans believe that federal authorities in one or another way were directly involved in the murder of president Kennedy.(Scripp-Howard News Service poll 1997) Consequently one should know the difference between theory and practice of the principles of democracy implemented in todays USA. To be continued. |
Lees meer over: vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten | aanvullingen |  | mensenrechtenschending op Mars | dullboy - 20.01.2002 12:22
Zo zie je maar weer: El Quaeda heeft volkomen gelijk met haar acties tegen de VS, want de VS ondersteunen een uiterst ondemocratisch bewind op Mars, waardoor duizenden onschuldige Marsbewoners gevangen zitten en gemarteld worden. Het zou me ook niets verbazen als de Marsh-Shuttle op de heenweg wapens meeneemt voor dat verwerpelijke regime en op de terugweg gevangenen die door de VS op die militaire basis op Cuba gebruikt worden voor experimenten. | |
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