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 | iets genuanceerder | 28.01.2002 15:41
De titel van bovenstaande bijdrage doet het ergste vermoeden, maar de zaken liggen iets genuanceerder. Al het geld dat Chumbawamba kree van GM is doorgesluist naar: Indymedia (de helft) en Corperate Watch (de andere helft). De laatste gebruikt het geld voor een anti GM campagne. Way to go! | CHUMBAWAMBA SELL OUT! [AGAIN] | Bell - 29.01.2002 02:03
"People are beginning to embrace a wider-reaching, less-exclusive version of radical politics - the growth of the anti-globalisation movement and the worldwide support for the Zapatistas, for instance, has brought different kinds of people and politics together surprisingly effectively. And we have this notion that taking huge amounts of money from some major corporations and giving it all away is within the scope of that umbrella of acceptance, in a way which wouldn’t have been possible a decade ago. If it wasn’t - and the way we’d gauge that is probably subject to debate as well - then we’d stop doing it; but right now we don’t think that would actually do any good in real terms at all. Apart from making us look squeaky clean." Read the rest on their own website:
Website: http://www.chumba.com/_newspage.htm#Anchor-CHUMBAWAMBA-30415 | Gratis MP3 Dowmload ´Pass It Along´ | M02 - 29.01.2002 16:36
"Also included here is an exclusive version of Pass It Along (the MP3 Mix) recorded as a reaction to the debate on file sharing and the Metallica/Napster court case. " Website: http://www.chumba.com/_passitalong.htm | fighting multi´s is expensive | trojan tv - 29.01.2002 16:49
"We´re planning planning on using some of the money to document some of the social and environmental impacts of General Motors itself" Joshua Karliner, executive director of CorpWatch there you go! but it might be possible that GM also makes these kind of calculations - can the money they pay to a certain group do more harm to them as the benifits they will have from using what they get in return ? this is also about what kind of actions we think are more effective + important. An action could be ´better´ if we pay somebody who´s an expert in campaigning and lobbying. its probably one of those neverending discussions...
E-Mail: trojan-@gmx.net Website: http://www.organicchaos.org | |
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