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Statewatch over de inval in Vrankrijk PRO-EUROJUST ORGANISE AMSTERDAM POLICE RAID On 17 January 2001, police in Amsterdam raided a legalised squat and arrested Juan Ramón Rodrìguez Fernández, wanted by the Spanish police in connection with the separatist Basque group ETA. Up to 200 Special criminal investigators and riot police entered the residential area at 3.30 a.m., searching all 14 appartments, and allegedly leaving a woman needing stitches after she was struck by a police baton. Several Spanish books, two mobile phones and a toy gun collection were confiscated by the police. Fernández was visiting Amsterdam on holiday. The raid was organised by the provisional "Eurojust" EU prosecutions unit. "Pro-Eurojust" was created in December 2000 and will be located in the Hague when a Council Decision is rubber-stamped by ministers. Currently comprised of a prosecutor from each member state, the unit handled 170 cases within its first year. It is technically an EU Council working party with a mandate to facilitate cross-border investigations and prosecutions. Activists in Holland suspect the raid was carried out in order to harass and discredit the squatters, whose premises had been referred to as a ´no- go area´ for the police. Under the recently agreed European Arrest Warrant, which will enter force in 2004, the Dutch police would have been obliged to pick-up and hand over Juan. Includes feature article from Statewatch bulletin on the background to Eurojust. See:
http://www.statewatch.org/news/2002/feb/02eurojust.htm E-Mail: Faaz@battl.nl Website: http://BaTTL.nl |
aanvullingen |  | HOOFDLETTERS ZIJN SCHREEUWERIG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | TJ - 05.02.2002 18:27
KAN JE DE VOLGENDE KEER IN GEWONE TAAL JE TITELS INVOEREN???? Op het internet worden hoofdletters als schreeuwen ervaren..... Erg vervelend | SORRY | Faaz - 05.02.2002 18:51
Mijn nederige excuses dan maar. Ik heb de kop direct overgenomen van het bericht dat ik binnen kreeg. Te lui om het om te zetten, vandaar. Daarnaast schreeuwt dit bericht toch ook om aandacht, of zie ik dat nou verkeerd. E-Mail: Faaz@battl.nl Website: http://BaTTL.nl | Squat??? Squatters? | M02 - 06.02.2002 00:51
I thought it was clear that none of the 14 apartments were squats was raided by the polices! So NO squatters were involved! | ex-squaters | scaven - 06.02.2002 23:50
Indeed, there are no squaters invloved from the Vrankrijk. All appartments in the Vrankrijk are legally rented. The house is owned by the occupants. Exept in this story the girl who got hit on the head (and had a severe concussion) was a squater, and alot of the people who where outside supporting, where also squaters. To set the record straight. | |
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