ASCII Agenda... Linux course etcetera... ASCII Internetworkplace - 06.02.2002 07:26
Resources & links for linux & open source software ASCII Agenda february 2002 ========================== GCA: Linux course ================= Introduction to the Linux operation system. This course will be grrrlz only: Given by grrrlz, for grrrlz. Installation, basic use and operating systems in general. This course is full, but there will be more. info: Dates: february 7-10-14, 19:30 If you cannot be there: you can listen to Streaming MP3 ============= Open workshop on MP3 streaming. How to put your audio on the internet, using only open source software. Date: february 5, 19:30 ASCII/Radio100 Newshour ======================= Live radio on Radio 100 (99.3 FM in Amsterdam). Interviews, updates on local politics, squatting, etc. Every friday, 18:00-19:00, in ASCII. Come and visit us, or listen or 99.3 FM Linux course ============ No new linux course starting this month, cause there´s still one running every monday night. If you want to learn Linux, mailto Video-workshop ============== For once, we break our sacred rule: We let in a Windows computer to show you how to edit video. Our local wizard from Vrije Keyser Television will teach you the basics of video-editing. Date: february 12, 19:30 ASCII hardware course for everybody =================================== Last month, we had the GCA ( doing "Hardware for "grrrlz". Turns out that not only grrrlz are interested in learning about hardware. So this time, no positive discrimination. Date: february 20,25,27, 19:30 Mumiaplein ========== Monthly meeting of the Mumia workgroup Amsterdam. Date: february 21, 19:30 Wiki workshop ============= What´s a wiki? Wiki is an open publishing website to the extreme. Everybody can edit everything. How this is done? You can learn it in this workshop. Date: february 27, 19:30 Request your own workshop! ========================== If there´s a workshop you´d like to see in ASCII, please tell us! If we can find someone to give it (or maybe you can give it yourself?) we might host it next month. More information on events in ASCII can be found on: ======================= ASCII Internetworkplace Jodenbreestraat 24 1011 NK Amsterdam mailto:// ======================== _______________________________________________ Ascii-announce mailing list See for more info about ASCII Internetworkplace, Amsterdam To unsubscribe from this list, go to: E-Mail: Website: |